L for love


Today's episode is a very warm and romantic one. We have reached the letter L, which in our series can't mean anything else but love. Romantic love, motherly love, charity - all that is láska in Czech.

Hello and welcome to the ABC of Czech. I'm Pavla Horakova and I'm Vladimir Tax. Today's episode is a very warm and romantic one. We have reached the letter L, which in our series can't mean anything else but love. Romantic love, motherly love, charity - all that is láska in Czech.

Láska is the noun, whereas to love is milovat. If you fall in love, you are zamilovaný if you are a man or zamilovaná, if you are a woman. If you are head over heels in love, you are zamilovaný a¾ po u¹i - that is up to your ears. Sometimes it happens that you fall in love at first sight. That is láska na první pohled. You go all misty-eyed and whisper to your sweetheart, or miláèek, I love you - miluji tì. You may even write love letters - milostné dopisy to your lover. Lover in Czech is either milenec, that's a male lover, or milenka for a woman. If your chosen one isn't interested, your love remains platonic, platonická láska, or unrequited - neopìtovaná. Czechs, too, do all kinds of foolish things out of unhappy love - z ne¹»astné lásky.

Czechs say láska je slepá or love is blind. The saying láska kvete v ka¾dém vìku means that love blossoms at every age. Also stará láska nerezaví - literally old love doesn't go rusty or old flame doesn't burn out. About especially devoted couples Czechs say their love is láska a¾ za hrob or literally love beyond the grave.

We're almost out of time but first we're going to play a milostná píseò or a love song called Láska nebeská or Heavenly Love. Sit back and enjoy and until next time, goodbye, na shledanou.

See also Living Czech.