• 02/05/2003

    A worker at the Spolana chemical factory north of Prague was killed on Wednesday in an accident. The 52-year-old man is said to have lost consciousness whilst cleaning a freight container used for transporting chemicals. Police are investigating the accident.

    Author: Rob Cameron
  • 02/04/2003

    Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Rychetsky has the most support among the Social Democrats, as talks continue to find a joint coalition candidate for president. The party's leader, Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla, said on Tuesday afternoon that all three parties in the governing coalition would discuss the issue soon. The news followed earlier reports that two of three people being considered by the governing parties had announced they would not stand for the post of president. The chairwoman of the Academy of Sciences, Helena Illnerova, was the first to drop out, followed by the president of Charles University, Ivan Wilhelm. The other name under consideration was academic and cancer specialist Pavel Klener.

    The Czech Republic is currently without a president, following the departure of Vaclav Havel and two failed attempts by parliament to elect a successor in January. It is expected that a third bicameral vote will be held, though no date has yet been set.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 02/04/2003

    Austrian opponents of the Czech Temelin nuclear power station have said they will fulfil their threat to hold a second symbolic hunger strike in protest at the plant. The anti-nuclear activists said on Tuesday they would begin their hunger strike outside the ministry of agriculture in Vienna on Friday. The protest action follows a similar four-day hunger strike at the beginning of January. Opponents of the Temelin nuclear power plant, which went into operation in 2000, say it is unsafe and should be shut down.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 02/04/2003

    The trial of a former high-ranking Communist functionary accused of treason has been postponed indefinitely. The judge hearing the case at Prague Municipal court ordered the case be sent to a higher court when a lawyer for defendant Karel Hoffman accused her of being biased. Mr Hoffman, who is now 78, is accused of ordering the stopping of radio broadcasts on the night of the Soviet-led invasion in 1968. He has said the case against him is politically-motivated, and that in reality he is being tried for his belief in socialism.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 02/02/2003

    Sunday, February 2nd, is the last day in Vaclav Havel's final term as president of the Czech Republic, with Mr Havel stepping down after thirteen years. Earlier Sunday the President and the First Lady Dagmar Havlova laid a wreath at the statue of Czechoslovakia's founding president Tomas Garrigue Masaryk; the presidential couple also visited Prague's memorial commemorating victims of Communism as well as a cemetery for political prisoners. A final stop took place at the statue of St Wenceslas, on Prague's Wenceslas Square, an important symbolic site of events in recent Czech history. The site witnessed both the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, and mass demonstrations which led to the fall of the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia in 1989.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 02/02/2003

    Outgoing President Vaclav Havel has officially transferred 'presidential powers' to Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla and the speaker of the Lower House Lubomir Zaoralek. Mr Havel's mandate ends on Sunday, February 2nd at midnight, leaving the Czech Republic without a president for an interim period. Two election attempts in January were inconclusive, with none of the candidates in the running finding enough support in a joint session of parliament to get elected. The presidential powers are passed on to the Prime Minister and speaker of the Lower House according to the constitution - both Prime Minister Spidla and house speaker Zaoralek stated on Sunday they would use the 'powers' conservatively to ensure the smooth running of the state. For the time being Mr Spidla will fill the presidential role on the international stage, signing international agreements, serving as commander in chief of the country's armed forces, and addressing foreign diplomats. Mr Zaorelek, on the other hand, will take up presidential duties at home, gaining the authority, for example, to name judges to the constitutional court, to name members to the council of the Central Bank, and to call a referendum on EU accession.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 02/02/2003

    Representatives from the governing coalition have addressed three individuals as possible candidates in a 3rd round of Czech presidential elections. All three have academic, rather than political, backgrounds: Ivan Vilhelm is the rector of Charles University in Prague, Pavel Klener is a pro-rector at the same institution, while Helena Illnerova is the head of the Academy of Sciences. So far all discussions between party members and potential candidates have been non-binding. On Tuesday MPs from the senior coalition member the Social Democratic Party will meet to decide if they will back any of the three.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 02/02/2003

    President Vaclav Havel has officially accepted the resignation of the head of the Czech Statistics Office Marie Bohata. Mrs Bohata resigned on Friday after the statistics body of the European Union - Eurostat - concluded that her office bore partial responsibility for a gross miscalculation of last year's economic indicators. Eurostat said the Czech Statistics Office and the Czech Customs Authority were both responsible for the release of erroneous foreign trade deficit figures for the third quarter of 2002. The accounting error - involving a sum of well over 1 billion dollars - forced a total re-evaluation of the Czech economy, including public finance and interest rates. Meanwhile, unofficial sources have told the Czech news agency CTK that Mrs Bohata's post will most likely be filled by a former deputy at the Statistics Office Jan Fischer.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 02/02/2003

    The Federation of Prague Tram Drivers has announced its members will strike on Monday, February 3rd. From 4 am to midnight Monday no trams will roll out on Prague routes. Prague's tram drivers are upset by the fact they do not earn as much as bus drivers in the city, even though both groups are employed by a single transit authority. A comparative study commissioned by the Transit Authority and Town Hall, comparing job difficulty and skills, ranked tram drivers lower on the scale, determining a difference in pay. Along with Monday's strike the head of the Federation of Tram Drivers Antonin Dub has called for the head of the Transit Authority, Milan Houfek, to resign.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 02/02/2003

    Czech artist Jiri David's 'Neon Heart' that adorned Prague Castle for the last several months has been turned off as planned, to coincide with Vaclav Havel's final days as president of the Czech Republic. The large neon heart, echoing Mr Havel's signature trademark and inspired by Mr Havel's ideals, was turned off on Friday evening. The heart had dominated Prague's historic skyline provoking almost endless debate among the Czech public over its artistic value. There was more 'controversy' on the heart's 'final day', when Greenpeace representatives hung a banner near the structure protesting possible military action against Iraq.

    Author: Jan Velinger
