• 03/28/2003

    The US has asked the Czech Republic to provide a liason officer to take part in a team that would be responsible for civilian administration in a post-war Iraq. The information was released on Friday with Deputy Foreign Minister Rudolf Jindrak saying Czech officials were currently discussing the US request. However, the specifics for the renewal of Iraq remain unclear at this time: it is not yet certain whether the country would be administered by the UN, the US, or Great Britain after the war. The Czech Republic pledged its support for an EU resolution last week stressing the UN play a key role in the future of a post-war Iraq.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 03/27/2003

    Members of the joint Czech-Slovak anti-chemical unit stationed in Kuwait were called on to investigate a missile attack on Kuwait city on Thursday on suspicion that it may have contained a biological or chemical warhead. A chemical alert was called in the Kuwaiti capital as initial tests did not rule out the possibility of a biological weapons attack. However a detailed analysis of the suspicious substance revealed a harmless type of bacteria which is generally present in water cleaning facilities. The head of the Czech anti-chemical unit Dusan Lupuljev said it had been a tense morning.

  • 03/27/2003

    The Czech Republic will answer Turkey's request for humanitarian aid. An aid package worth an estimated 5 million Czech crowns will be sent by the end of the week. The emergency aid is to help refugees fleeing the war in Iraq. The shipment includes field kitchens, tents, and blankets. According to the CTK press agency the Czech Republic has said it would be willing to accept 500 war refuges at this point in time. In a related development, the Czech Defence Minister Jaroslav Tvrdik said on Thursday that in the event of a humanitarian crisis in Iraq the Czech Republic would not wait for UN approval to dispatch a field hospital to the region. The field hospital should be ready to depart as of April 1st.

  • 03/27/2003

    A unit of specialised forces have left for Kuwait to protect the joint Czech-Slovak anti-chemical unit if it should be called upon to enter Iraqi territory. The specialised unit includes sixteen soldiers from the Czech Republic's elite forces based in Prostejov, central Moravia. The Czech-Slovak anti-chemical unit would only be allowed to enter Iraq to provide humanitarian aid if chemical or biological weapons were used in the war. Following consultations with US officials the Czech Republic decided to give the anti-chemical unit additional protection in light of an increase in guerrilla war tactics by Iraq against the allied forces.

  • 03/26/2003

    The Czech Republic will deploy a unit of specialised forces to protect the joint Czech-Slovak anti-chemical unit currently stationed in Kuwait. The unit is expected to include around thirty soldiers from Prostejov, central Moravia. On Tuesday Czech and American officials held talks on whether US soldiers would protect the unit if it entered Iraq. The Czech unit will only be allowed to enter the country if chemical or biological weapons are used. The Czech Republic decided to send its own troops to protect the unit in light of an increase in guerrilla war tactics by Iraq against allied forces. The move comes at the same time that the anti-chemical unit has increased monitoring of chemical and biological agents at the request of the Kuwaiti authorities.

    Author: Martin Hrobský
  • 03/26/2003

    The Czech Republic has been included on a list of countries by President George Bush which are to benefit financially for supporting the United States, if the US Congress approves his request for 75 billion dollars in funding for the US-led wait against Iraq. The Czech Republic, along with Poland and Hungary would receive some 15 million dollars to cover expenses, in what Mr Bush has called the fight against terrorism. This despite the fact that Czech officials have expressed opposition to the Czech Republic being included on the list of countries taking part in the coalition against Iraq.

    Author: Martin Hrobský
  • 03/26/2003

    A new poll released Wednesday found overwhelming opposition to any war in Iraq in the Czech Republic, with or without a United Nations mandate. According to the CVVM agency, 72 percent of respondents said they opposed the war with UN backing, and 83 percent were against any war without the support of the UN. The poll found that only 21 percent of Czechs support any sort of war in Iraq. The poll also found that 70 percent of respondents do not think that the war against Iraq will contribute to suppressing global terrorism. Also, 82 percent agree with the notion that the United States prioritises foreign policy according to its own power and economic interests.

    Author: Martin Hrobský
  • 03/26/2003

    The director of the Czech Secret Service, Jiri Ruzek, told the BBC on Wednesday that Iraqi agents plotted an attack on the Prague headquarters of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. The planned strike was intended to stop the US-funded station from broadcasting to Iraq. This marks the first time that that Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty was confirmed as a target for a terrorist attack by a Czech official. Security at the station's headquarters was stepped up after the September 11th terrorist attacks on the US. The station's headquarters are near the top of Wenceslas Square, a highly populated area adjacent to a vital Prague highway.

    Author: Martin Hrobský
  • 03/26/2003

    After Czech Defense Minister Jaroslav Tvrdik stated that the return of Czech gas masks by Kuwaiti officials was a 'cause for shame', the manufacture of the masks, Gumarny, stated that Kuwaiti officials knew they were receiving older masks instead of the newer CM-6 design. Gurmarny's deputy director Jindrich Vaculin explained that the contract signed with Kuwaiti officials stated the older masks were intended only for an interim period before the newer models arrived. The CM-6 gas masks were to be delivered by the end of March but Kuwaiti officials had pushed for immediate delivery because of the war against Iraq.

    Author: Martin Hrobský
  • 03/25/2003

    The joint Czech-Slovak anti-chemical unit based in Kuwait has increased its monitoring of the situation involving radiation and chemical and biological weapons in the country, the unit's commander Dusan Lupuljev said on Tuesday. The monitoring was stepped up at midnight on Monday following a request from the Kuwaiti authorities. In the light of reports that Iraq may use such weapons when Baghdad is attacked, Czech and United States officials have held talks on US soldiers protecting the unit if it enters Iraq. The Czech parliament has approved its troops taking part in the US-led war against Saddam Hussein's regime if Iraq uses such weapons, though they are expected to play a primarily humanitarian role.

    Meanwhile the Czech-Slovak anti-chemical unit has again come under repeated rocket fire, but - as with previous attacks - none of the rockets have reached their target and there have been no injuries.

    In other war-related news, a total of seven US B 52 bomber planes have flown across the Czech Republic in the last 24 hours. Previously the US had only flown transport planes through Czech air space.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
