• 07/23/2005

    La Strada, an international organisation which helps victims of trafficking, has said that a bill regulating prostitution, approved by the Czech government on Wednesday, will not reduce trafficking in people. The organisation says the proposed bill will complicate the situation of many female and male prostitutes and expose them to a higher risk of exploitation. Under the bill, people from EU countries would be able to obtain licences for offering sexual services for money without problems while citizens of other countries would have to have a visa or a residence permit. The bill has yet to be approved by parliament and signed by the president.

  • 07/23/2005

    The Novinky.cz news server has reported that the Culture Minister Pavel Dostal's condition has worsened overnight, and described it as critical. Mr Dostal is undergoing intensive cancer treatment at the Masaryk Oncology Institute in Brno. Mr Dostal has been receiving treatment since last December after he had a tumour removed from his pancreas last autumn. Pavel Dostal, who is 62, is the longest-serving minister in the Czech cabinet. He has served as culture minister since 1998 under four prime ministers.

  • 07/22/2005

    Prime Minister Jiri Paroubek has called for a test of the country's preparedness in dealing with the consequences of a terrorist attack. Following another series of explosions in London on Thursday, Mr. Paroubek asked the Interior Minister Frantisek Bublan for members of the integrated rescue system to stage an exercise simulating an emergency operation in the wake of a terrorist attack. The Prime Minister said he had no evidence to suggest that Prague was in serious danger of an attack, emphasizing that the measure was precautionary.

    Following the terrorist attacks in London on July 7th the Czech Republic reinforced police patrols at key sites including the Prague metro, railways, airports and strategic buildings, as well as border crossings. Heightened security measures remain in effect.

  • 07/22/2005

    Thursday's attack on a Czech armoured vehicle in Baghdad does not appear to have been directed against the Czech Republic, Interior Minister Frantisek Bublan told the CTK news agency on Friday. Mr. Bublan said that attacks on foreign armoured vehicles are not exceptional in Iraq and there was nothing in this case to indicate that the rebels intended to target a Czech vehicle or official. The armoured Toyota belonging to the Czech embassy was carrying military police officers from Bagdad Airport when the rebels opened fire. The heavily armoured car drove through the fire and continued on its way. No one was injured in the incident.

  • 07/22/2005

    Senator Alexander Novak of the Civic Democratic Party has been charged with bribery. According to the charges the senator accepted a 43 million crown bribe for mediating the sale of municipal shares in local power and gas distributing companies to a German firm. The Senator has refused to comment on the case. The Senate stripped him of parliamentary immunity in November of 2003. If found guilty, he could face up to eight years in prison.

  • 07/22/2005

    The Czech capital will witness its first ever flood exercises at the weekend to test the readiness, impact and effectiveness of emergency crews and newly erected flood barriers. The emergency exercise comes just three years after devastating floods wrecked havoc throughout the Czech Republic and other parts of central Europe. Some 500 specialists will be taking part in the exercise and some 50 trucks will transport mobile flood barriers. Fire fighters and police officers will be out in force, helping to set up barriers and guard closed off streets. City transport will be restricted in some parts of Prague.

  • 07/21/2005

    Czech authorities have said no subsequent security measures have been planned following a series of blasts in London on Thursday. Interior Minister Frantisek Bublan said current measures were sufficient, and that there was no need to call a meeting of the National Security Council. Czech Foreign Ministry spokesman Vit Kolar meanwhile said that not enough specific information was currently available. On Thursday four detonators exploded in the London subway and on one bus, injuring one, two weeks after suicide bombers killed more than 50 people in the British capital. The London Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair called Thursday's events in London "very serious". Two suspects have been taken into custody.

    Following the deadly attacks in London on July 7th the Czech Republic reinforced police patrols at key sites including the Prague metro, railways, airports and strategic buildings, as well as border crossings.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 07/21/2005

    The Polish Prime Minister, Marek Belka, in a visit to Prague on Thursday, praised as "brave" a proposed conciliatory gesture by Czech counterpart Jiri Paroubek, recognising the efforts of ethnic German anti-fascists in Czechoslovakia ahead of World War II. Mr Paroubek' s conciliatory gesture has already found backing from Austrian leader Wolfgang Schussel, but has not found support from figures like Czech president Vaclav Klaus or Slovak Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda. An estimated 2.5 million Germans were expelled from Czechoslovakia following the Second World War.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 07/21/2005

    The prime ministers of both countries also discussed urgent matters including finding a compromise on the proposed EU budget for the years 2007 - 2013, a budget that failed to find backing at the most recent summit of the EU. Following Thursday's meeting the men made clear they would push for quick compromise while recognising the need for wider economic reform in the bloc. The EU failed to agree the budget plan for 2007-2013 last month after Britain blocked any deal which would limit its rebate unless there is a reform of farm subsidies which most benefit France.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 07/21/2005

    A new poll released by the Stem agency has suggested that the fortunes of the ruling Social Democratic Party have continued to improve, following a damaging government crisis earlier in the year. According to the poll, which backs the findings of another survey last month, the Social Democratic Party would now gain some 21 percent of the vote, 2nd behind the right-of-centre Civic Democrats. The latter party's numbers have not changed, with voter support of 32 percent.

    The latest poll suggests that the Communist Party would be third, while the Christian Democrats would be the last to make it into Parliament, at 7 percent, were elections held today.

    Author: Jan Velinger
