• 10/25/2005

    Czech Prime Minister Jiri Paroubek has called for a meeting with the heads of the country's two leading commercial TV stations Nova and Prima. Both stations commission opinion polls during TV discussion programmes to assess what participant is considered more trustworthy among the general public. Results of a poll on a discussion between Mr Paroubek and the leader of the opposition Civic Democrats Mirek Topolanek last Sunday suggested that the prime minister only won over 36 percent of respondents. Mr Paroubek says a separate poll commissioned by his party, the Social Democrats, suggested over 50 percent of public support and accuses the TV stations of "a scandalous attempt to manipulate public opinion".

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 10/25/2005

    And staying with the media. The Czech section of the BBC World Service is to be closed down. The decision was made to cut costs and save money for a new project - the launch of an Arabic TV news station. Nine other foreign language services are to be discontinued. The Czech section started its broadcasts 66 years ago in 1939. It announced on Tuesday that it would close down by March 2006.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 10/25/2005

    The opposition right-of-centre Civic Democrats have called for a special meeting of the lower house of parliament to discuss its proposed restitution bill. Put forward in July, the bill pushes back the deadline by which people, who have a right to ask the state to return their property, make their claims. They currently only have until the end of the year. The Civic Democrats, who propose to push the deadline back to December 2009, argue the current law gives those affected little time to make their case and no chance to apply for compensation.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 10/25/2005

    Some 27,000 people have signed a petition that calls for a detailed investigation into a police intervention in a techno party last July that left several ravers and police officers injured. The petition was presented to Czech President Vaclav Klaus on Tuesday, who has openly criticisd the amount of force used. A government report concludes that the police intervened in CzechTek rightfully. The head of the presidential office welcomed the petition, saying public pressure to force an investigation had died down and needed a fresh boost.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 10/24/2005

    Deputy health minister David Rath has said that the largest state-owned health insurance company, VZP, will not face forced administration for now. The deputy health minister, as well as health minister candidate, met with VZP head Jirina Musilkova on Monday to discuss money-saving steps. The VZP's debt is more than 10 billion crowns (approx. 403,000,000 US dollars) and may grow by 2 more billion crowns by the end of the year unless saving measures are adopted immediately. Mr Rath said that the funds should be saved by a slower increase in payments to hospitals. Saved funds will be sent to smaller private facilities sooner. Mr Rath expects savings in expenses for medicine as well.

    Mr Rath and the VZP's Musilkova have planned to meet again next week. Later this week Mr Rath will meet with hospital heads and representatives from both health insurance companies and health care providers.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 10/24/2005

    In related news, David Rath has promised to take steps to rule out any chance of conflict of interest should he give up his deputy position and take up the health minister post. At the weekend Mr Rath said he would suspend all private business activities during his time in public service, and he has now said he will make a public affirmation to settle the point. Last week Mr Rath was appointed deputy health minister after President Vaclav Klaus refused to approve his nomination for the top job because of conflict of interest.

    The Prime Minister then re-nominated him for the post on Friday, threatening legal action to push the appointment through. Unless the Constitutional Court decides otherwise, the president is under no pressure to name the prime minister's candidate to the post.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 10/24/2005

    President Vaclav Klaus has said he was misled by Prime Minister Jiri Paroubek when Mr Paroubek was first named to the government last year as Minister for Local Development. At the weekend the Prime Minister admitted in the media he had been in conflict of interest on at least three counts at the time of his naming. He made the statement apparently to show it hadn't bothered the president at the time. But, Vaclav Klaus responded through a spokesman on Monday by saying he had been misled. According to the spokesman Mr Paroubek - in an official statement - made no mention of any additional activities breaching conflict of interest.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 10/24/2005

    President Vaclav Klaus congratulated Polish president-elect Lech Kaczynski on Monday following his weekend victory, inviting him to visit Prague at the first opportunity following his inauguration. Mr Kaczynski the 56-year-old conservative co-founder of the Law and Justice party, gained just over 54 percent of the vote in Sunday's poll, beating his liberal rival, Donald Tusk of the Civic Platform party. In a statement on Monday the Czech president, Mr Klaus, said the Czech Republic and Poland shared "many political and economic priorities".

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 10/24/2005

    Former president of the Sparta Prague football club, Petr Mach, has been cleared of criminal charges by a Prague court. The prosecution had been trying to find Mr Mach guilty of fraud for failing to pay back a 160 million crown bank loan, but could not pin the charge on the defendant, found guilty in an earlier ruling later that was later struck down by the high court. The prosecution has appealed the ruling.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 10/24/2005

    A 31-year-old driver who killed three police officers in a hit-and-run two years ago, has been released on parole, shortening by half his four year sentence. The driver was released on grounds of good behaviour and the fact he had no previous criminal sentence. He will be on probation for the next seven years.

    Author: Jan Velinger
