• 09/07/2007

    The Ministry of Transport plans to create a team of inspectors to help raise standards on Czech trains, Hospordarske noviny reported. The inspectors will check whether there is running water and toilet paper in toilets, as well as monitoring the punctuality of trains and checking whether the temperature in wagons reaches at least 18 degrees Celsius, the paper said. The Transport Ministry will levy fines for failure to meet the required standards.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/07/2007

    The state investment agency CzechInvest has closed its office in California's Silicon Valley, Hospodarske noviny reported. The closure comes despite the Czech government's stated aim of making the development of innovation and information technology a priority, the paper said. The head of CzechInvest, Roman Cermak, said the Silicon Valley office had been closed because it had poorer results than the agency's other US office, in Chicago.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/07/2007

    The Czech Republic will be able to ask the United States to remove a radar base the US is planning to build in central Bohemia, Lidove noviny reported. The planned contract on the base will be open-ended and can be terminated by either country at any time, it said. An unnamed source told the daily that Washington was aware political changes in the Czech Republic could necessitate the removal of the base within a few months. Prague is set to decide early next year whether to allow the base, which would be part of a US global anti-missile defence system.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/07/2007

    The most extensive publication to date documenting the Charter 77 protest movement is to be launched next week. The three-part collection entitled Charter 77: Documents 1977-1989 is the result of years of research by the Institute of Contemporary History at the Academy of Sciences. It contains detailed information about the Charter's signatories and their persecution by the Communist authorities.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/07/2007

    The Czech pair of Lukas Dlouhy and Pavel Vizner have reached the final in the doubles at tennis's US Open. The two Czechs will take on Simon Aspelin and Julian Knowle for the doubles title in the last Grand Slam tournament of the season, after seeing off Paul Hanley and Kevin Ullyet in the semis.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 09/06/2007

    The Czech deputy prime minister for EU affairs, Alexandr Vondra, has indicated that the EU reform treaty set to replace the rejected EU constitution contains a number of "blank" areas; he discussed the issue after a meeting with President Vaclav Klaus, Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, and Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg on Thursday. Ratification of the EU reform treaty was not discussed per se, but all four representatives agreed to hold regular meetings in order to coordinate further political steps. Mr Vondra said the prevailing opinion was to have the EU reform treaty ratified in parliament as opposed to a referendum.

    On Thursday, President Klaus also discussed a planned speech at the forthcoming U.N. General Assembly in New York. Mr Vondra told journalists he expected the president will use his visit to promote the Czech Republic's candidacy for a non-permanent member seat in the U.N. Security Council in 2008-2009.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 09/06/2007

    Areas of north Moravia and Silesia are under extreme threat of floods. The levels of rivers in the area, as well as parts of northern Bohemia, have risen considerably due to extensive rain - and surrounding areas are on highest alert. In some areas, 20-year old water has already broken banks, leading to flooding in parts of some village homes: namely cellars and basements. Some roads have been closed off. Meteorologists have said that a warning of heavy rain and strong winds will remain in effect until Friday. On Wednesday night, fire fighters had to intervene in many regions, mostly east Bohemia and north Moravia, removing fallen trees from roads and high voltage electric lines. Technicians were called in to repair lines in 230 places in east Bohemia alone. Extensive rain on Wednesday also raised water levels in some rivers in southern Bohemia.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 09/06/2007

    The State Veterinary Administration has revealed that this Friday it will relax a number of restrictions in place since outbreaks of the H5N1 bird flu at poultry and turkey farms in east Bohemia in June. As of Friday, breeders' organisations will once again be allowed to host bird exhibitions. But breeders will still be required to uphold strict hygiene standards as well as to provide authorities with warnings of any potential signs of bird flu. Indicators include a drop in egg production or in the consumption of water and feed. The spokesman for the State Veterinary Administration said that new cases of bird flu in the Czech Republic could not be ruled out.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 09/06/2007

    A wave of departure of professionals from the police force has begun to be offset by the arrival of new employees. Interior Minister Ivan Langer said on Thursday more people joined the force than left it in the months of July and August. At a press conference assessing the activities of police upper management on Thursday, the minister said the trend had changed. Mr Langer also stressed that the wages of 94 percent of police personnel had grown in the first half of 2007 compared to the same period last year.

    Mr Langer's deputy stated that was partly the result of the new law on service. The new service law - valid since January - originally triggered the wave of departures from the police force due to the changes in service rules for police officers, prison guards, customs officers as well as members of the fire brigade. The legislation applies to about 72,000 people, including 47,000 members of the police force.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 09/06/2007

    A Korean appeals court has ruled that the chairman of carmaker Hyundai, who was convicted of embezzling company funds, will not go to prison. Chung Mong-Koo's original sentence of three years in jail was suspended. Mr Chung had continued to run the Korean automaker after release on bail; investors had worried any absence could hurt the company's expansion plans in Korea and abroad. The Hyundai Motor Group chairman's legal troubles made headlines in the Czech Republic due to the construction of a new Hyundai factory in northern Moravia. The project, representing a 1.1 billion euro investment, began earlier this year. Once fully-operational, the plant is expected to manufacture 300,000 cars annually and to employ around 3,500 workers.

    Author: Jan Velinger
