• 12/17/2007

    Czech Interior Ministry has announced a plan to buy thousands of new cars for the police as of the beginning of next year. It will be the biggest purchase of police cars in ten years. The last time the police purchased such an amount of cars was in the mid-1990s, when they acquired 5,500 Skoda cars. The Interior Minister Ivan Langer has not specified how much the new cars will cost.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/17/2007

    Only one twelfth of Czech primary school teachers are younger than 30 years of age, according to a recent report conducted by Czech School Inspectorate, and only 10% of teachers are male. The average age of Czech teachers is currently 42.5 years. Most graduates are discouraged from teaching jobs by low pay. In addition, teachers are not remunerated according quality of teaching but according to years of experience, the report says.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/17/2007

    Seven people were arrested and charged with copyright violations in a series of nine police raids that took place in different parts of the Czech Republic last week. The police had seized computers and data-storage equipment with illegal software and pirated music and films. The centre of the illegal network was reportedly based at the Czech Technical University dormitories in Prague's district of Strahov.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 12/16/2007

    The Czech Foreign Ministry has described as “unacceptable” a warning by Russia’s army chief that any US interceptor missiles that might be launched from Poland could trigger inadvertent retaliation from Russia. Foreign ministry spokeswoman Zuzana Opletalova said Moscow’s language was “unimaginable in the democratic world” and stressed that Prague had always worked for dialogue on the issue. Russia has reacted with hostility to US plans to site part of its missile defense system in central Europe – with a radar base in the Czech Republic and interceptor missiles in Poland. Russia’s Chief of Staff Yuri Baluyevsky on Saturday expressed dissatisfaction with the course of negotiations between Moscow and Washington on this matter, saying the two states were locked in a “direct stand-off”.

  • 12/16/2007

    Political observers say incumbent president Vaclav Klaus has a better change of succeeding in February’s presidential elections than his sole rival Czech-American professor of economics Jan Svejnar. Mr. Klaus has received support from the Civic Democrats - the strongest parliamentary party. In order to beat him Mr. Svejnar would need the votes of the Social Democrats, the Communists and the Greens. Although the Social Democrats and the Greens have promised to support him the Communists are hesitant to commit. Jan Svejnar announced his decision to run in the elections on Friday stressing his pro-European stance and saying he wanted to present a real alternative to Vaclav Klaus.

  • 12/16/2007

    A reform of the pension system must be implemented soon -with or without support from the opposition Social Democrats, Labour and Social Affairs Minister Petr Necas said in a televised debate on Sunday. Mr. Necas pointed out that due to the inflation rate the current pension system might run into deficit in 2010, that is years earlier than expected. The minister said he would put the matter to the Cabinet and Parliament in the coming days. Several outstanding issues remain unresolved such as extending the compulsory period of insurance payment from 25 to 35 years and raising the retirement age for both men and women to 65 years.

  • 12/16/2007

    The opposition Social Democrats are making a last-ditch effort to prevent the introduction of fees for medical services due to go into effect on January 1. This part of the Health Ministry’s reform plan has proved highly controversial and the opposition parties have attacked it in court. Although the Cabinet is unlikely to meet the opposition party’s demands, a Social Democrat proposal to scrap or delay the introduction of fees for medical services will be debated in Parliament where observers say it has a better chance of succeeding.

  • 12/16/2007

    The police broke up a skinhead party in the town of Jirkov shortly after midnight on Saturday after several of the locals complained about the noise. The party was attended by close to a hundred skinheads. Four of them refused to comply with police orders and were taken to the local police station for questioning but were later released without charges.

  • 12/16/2007

    Celebrations are being planned in towns and villages along the Czech-German and Czech-Austrian borders to mark the country’s entry to the Schengen border-free zone on December 21. There will be street parties and sports events attended by the country’s top politicians. Drivers and pedestrians who cross the border on that day will be given small presents and Schengen information leaflets. Those who stop awhile will be able sample Schengen cakes and Schengen punch. And at midnight there will be a big fireworks display to celebrate the country’s admission to the border-free zone.

  • 12/16/2007

    Three Czech skiers inadvertently triggered an avalanche in the Jeseniky Mountains on Saturday and narrowly escaped getting buried alive under the snow. They were swept down the slope and badly battered but managed to help each other and call the rescue service. One of them is in serious condition, the other two escaped with lighter injuries. The group of young men – aged 15 to 20 - had left the marked trails and wondered into an off-limits area.
