• 09/25/2024

    Climate change has doubled the risk of severe flooding in Central Europe, and with further global warming caused by fossil fuels, floods will become more destructive, according to the results of a new study by World Weather Attribution, in which Czech experts took part. The study showed that the recent rainfall caused by Storm Boris was the heaviest that experts have yet recorded in Central Europe. According to the study, the likelihood of heavy rainfall like that brought by Storm Boris has doubled due to climate change and there is a risk that it could be seven percent heavier in the years to come. If the planet warms to two degrees Celsius, which is expected by 2050, similar storms will drop at least five percent more rain and occur 50 percent more frequently than now, the report says.

  • 09/25/2024

    In the midst of the most serious coalition rift to date, the cabinet is due to meet on Wednesday to discuss the draft state budget for next year, which must be sent to the lower house by the end of September. The Finance Ministry had proposed a budget with a deficit of CZK 230 billion, but due to the damage caused by the recent floods, the proposed deficit is now CZK 10 billion higher. The cabinet is also due to approve an amendment to this year's budget, whose deficit is expected to increase by CZK 30 billion to CZK 282 billion as a result of the floods.

  • 09/25/2024

    Transport Minister Martin Kupka will be put in charge of the digitisation of the construction permits agenda following the announced dismissal of Ivan Bartos as Deputy Prime Minister for Digitization. Prime Minister Fiala said he would officially entrust him with the task at Wednesday’s cabinet meeting.  According to Fiala, Kupka is an experienced and capable minister who has successfully overseen the digitization of agendas at his own ministry.

  • 09/25/2024

    The National Forum of the Pirate Party will vote on whether the party should leave the government following their leader’ s dismissal from government posts. The prime minister’s announcement on Tuesday that he would propose the dismissal of Pirate Party leader Ivan Bartoš from his post as deputy prime minister and minister for regional development has precipitated the most serious government crisis since the Fiala administration took office.

    Prime Minister Fiala stressed that his decision to sack Bartoš for incompetence did not mean that he wanted to terminate the coalition agreement with the Pirate Party as such and stressed that he was highly satisfied with the work of the party’s two other ministers - Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský and Minister for Legislation Michal Šalomoun.

    However the Pirates see it as a breach of the coalition agreement and there have been mounting calls for the party to walk out of the government. The party’s National Forum is to vote on the matter online from Friday 27 September until Monday 30 September.

    Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský, who is attending the 79th session of the UN Generally Assembly in New York, has said that if the Pirate Party decides to leave the government he will offer his resignation and simultaneously leave the ranks of the Pirate Party. Lipavský said he could not identify with some of the statements made about the government at Tuesday’s press conference of the Pirate Party.

  • 09/24/2024

    Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský, who is attending the 79th session of the UN Generally Assembly in New York, has said that if the Pirate Party decides to leave the government he will offer his resignation and simultaneously leave the ranks of the Pirate Party. Lipavský said he could not identify with some of the statements made about the government at Tuesday’s press conference of the Pirate Party. Prime Minister Fiala made it clear he did not want to lose Lipavský as foreign minister and President Pavel also said it would be unfortunate to have a change-of-guard at the top foreign ministry post.

  • 09/24/2024

    At a press conference with the leaders of the Together (SPOLU) coalition, Prime Minister Petr Fiala reiterated that the Pirate Party was not being kicked out of the government. He said his decision to dismiss Ivan Bartoš from office for incompetence did not mean that he wanted to terminate the coalition agreement with the Pirate Party as such and stressed that he was highly satisfied with the work of the party’s two other ministers - Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský and Minister for Legislation Michal Šalomoun. The prime minister stressed that it was up to the Pirate Party to find a suitable candidate to replace Bartoš, but added that he has received signals that the Pirate Party will not remain in the government.

  • 09/24/2024

    Some Pirate Party members say that if the Pirate Party decides to leave the Fiala government, the Mayors and Independents with whom they were in a coalition when they entered the government, should go with them. Such a step would mean that the Fiala administration would no longer have a majority in the Chamber of Deputies.

    The leader of the Mayors and Independents, Interior Minister Vít Rakušan has indicated that he is not prepared to take such a step. He said he would like to see both the Pirates and the Mayors and Independent remain in the government, adding that “quitting was not the way to winning voter support”. Rakušan said that, having made the decision to dismiss Bartoš,  it was now up to the prime minister to ensure the stability of the government.

  • 09/24/2024

    President Petr Pavel told reporters in New York on Tuesday that he cannot take a position on the prime minister’s proposal to dismiss Deputy Prime Minister and Regional Development Minister Ivan Bartos until he knows the full context. Mr. Pavel said he would meet with Prime Minister Fiala, Deputy Prime Minister Ivan Bartoš and the leaders of the other coalition parties on Monday before deciding whether to comply with the prime minister’s request. According to President Pavel, it is important to preserve the stability of the government.

  • 09/24/2024

    Following the announcement of their leader’s dismissal from government posts, Pirate Party members are heatedly debating their next course of action and many leading figures say the party should walk out of the Fiala government.

    The prime minister’s decision to sack Ivan Bartoš as regional development minister and deputy prime minister for digitalisation, without prior consultations with the party, is viewed by the Pirates as a gross violation of the coalition agreement. Some party members argue that the two other Pirate Party ministers - Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský and Legislation Minister Michal Šalomoun - should also quit their posts.

  • 09/24/2024

    Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala has announced that he will propose the dismissal of Pirate Party leader Ivan Bartoš from his post as deputy prime minister and minister for regional development. The head of government said Bartoš had failed to secure the digitalization of construction management and, does not even acknowledge the mistakes made. Mr. Fiala said that he would ask the party to propose a candidate for the job who would be up to the task.

    The prime minister stressed that he was not terminating the coalition agreement with the Pirate Party as such, saying he was highly satisfied with the performance of the two other Pirate Party ministers in the government – Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský and Minister for Legislation Michal Šalomoun.

    Fiala's surprise announcement came just hours after Mr. Bartoš assured the media that his party and he himself would remain in government. At the weekend, the Pirate Party suffered a crushing defeat in the regional and Senate elections after which Bartoš resigned as party leader along with the whole party leadership.
