• 06/30/2003

    Police in the north Moravian town of Jesenik say a Roma couple were attacked in their own home on Saturday by a group of three drunken youths. The three ordered the couple to open the door, saying they were policemen. When the couple did so, the man was slashed in the face and chest with a knife and his wife hit in the eye with a cobblestone. A police spokesman said the attack appeared to be racially motivated. Two of the attackers were arrested shortly after the incident and were taken into custody, the third was arrested on Monday. The offenders face up to eight years in prison.

  • 06/29/2003

    Mr Spidla and his Austrian counterpart Wolfgang Schuessel also said they were concerned at the prospect of "centralisation" in the European Union. The two men said it was vital to maintain the present system of equal rights for EU members. Smaller EU countries have expressed concern that the new draft EU Constitution, unveiled at the recent summit in Thessaloniki, gives too much power to bigger countries such as France and Germany. However Mr Spidla welcomed moves to give future EU members a full say in deciding on the future Constitution. The Czech Republic is among 10 countries planning to join the EU in May 2004.

    Author: Rob Cameron
  • 06/29/2003

    Austrian opponents of the Czech Republic's Temelin nuclear power station held a brief blockade of the Czech-Austrian border near the town Gmund on Sunday morning. The blockade was the latest protest by Austrian anti-nuclear activists against the Czech plant, which they claim is unsafe.

    Author: Rob Cameron
  • 06/28/2003

    Human rights groups have criticised a court verdict in Karlovy Vary after three police officers received suspended sentences for an attack on a Roma man. The court found the three guilty of beating up Karel Billy in woods near the city in May 2001 and sentenced them to ten months in prison, suspended for two years. Two other officers involved in the incident were set free. The court ruled the attack was not racially motivated. All three defendants and the state prosecutor appealed against the verdict, which was criticised by the government's human rights commissioner Jan Jarab.

    Author: Rob Cameron
  • 06/27/2003

    Human rights groups have criticised a court verdict in Karlovy Vary after three police officers received suspended sentences for an attack on a Roma man. The court found the three guilty of beating up Karel Billy in woods near the city in May 2001 and sentenced them to ten months in prison, suspended for two years. Two other officers involved in the incident were set free. The court ruled the attack was not racially motivated. All three defendants and the state prosecutor appealed against the verdict, which was criticised by the government's human rights commissioner Jan Jarab.

    Author: Rob Cameron
  • 06/27/2003

    Austrian opponents of the Czech Republic's Temelin nuclear power station say they will hold a brief blockade of the Czech-Austrian border on Sunday morning. The blockade will be the latest protest by Austrian anti-nuclear activists against the Czech plant, which they claim is unsafe.

    Author: Rob Cameron
  • 06/23/2003

    The Czech government on Monday gave final approval to a public finance reform package designed to cut high budget gaps and stop the growth in Czech government debt. Cabinet approval was expected after the leaders of all three ruling coalition parties agreed late on Sunday on a final framework for the fiscal reform. The medium-term reform plan targets cutting the public finance deficit to four percent of GDP in 2006 from a record high of 6.2 percent this year. The public finance reform is also the main precondition for eventual adoption of the euro later in this decade.

  • 06/21/2003

    Czech president Vaclav Klaus has advocated the right of small European nations to defend their own interests. Speaking at the World Forum, organised by the American Enterprise Institute, in Beaver Creek, Colorado, Mr Klaus also rejected a recently inflated idea of dividing Europe into "old" and "new", alluding to US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld's statements before the war in Iraq. The Czech president also called for close Euro-Atlantic cooperation and warned against what is called an old European anti-Americanism, a phenomenon that has emerged after the US-led invasion of Iraq.

    Author: Vladimír Tax
  • 06/20/2003

    The prime minister, Vladimir Spidla, has described the draft European Union constitution prepared by the European Convention as a good basis for intergovernmental talks on the future of the union. Mr Spidla was speaking at the Greek resort of Porto Carras at a conference attended by the leaders of the 15 existing EU countries and 10 countries which are set to join next May. The Czech prime minister also said on Friday that he had welcomed the opportunity to speak Czech during the negotiations; under a new rule delegates from candidate countries can now speak in their own languages at EU conferences. The Czech people voted to join the EU in the country's first ever referendum last weekend.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 06/20/2003

    The commissioner for European Union enlargement, Guenter Verheugen, also praised the Czech statement on Friday, describing it as a clear acknowledgement of European values. Mr Verhuegen said the statement confirmed the very essence of European integration, meaning bringing the people of Europe closer together and creating a firm basis for permanent peace.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
