• 06/03/2004

    Sparta Prague football club has been bought by the Slovak financial group J & T for around 900 million Czech crowns. The company becomes the fifth owner of the Czech Republic's best-known club since 1989. It is expected that manager Frantisek Straka will be kept on at Sparta.

  • 06/02/2004

    The number of passengers going through Prague's Ruzyne airport increased by 23 percent in 2003 and is expected to reach a record 9.2 million this year, the head of the Czech Airport Authority said on Wednesday. A new terminal which should be completed by 2006 will allow the airport to clear 10 million passengers a year, or up to 15 million if it is further extended.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 06/02/2004

    The Justice Ministry has been ordered by a Prague court to pay 200,000 crowns in compensation to a man who was wrongfully remanded in custody. Radovan Krejcir, who is being investigated for evading customs duties of half a billion crowns, was held for six months, though for half of that time no justification had been given for remanding him.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 06/02/2004

    Weather forecasters have warned that heavy rains on Thursday may cause rivers in many parts of the country to rise dangerously high. Downpours on Tuesday evening led to the flooding of cellars around Pilsen and Olomouc. Meanwhile, reports that this June will be relatively cool may lead many Czechs to holiday abroad rather than staying at home, an expert told the CTK news agency.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 06/01/2004

    The Czech Defence Minister Miroslav Kostelka has said he is satisfied with the details of two contracts outlining the terms for the Czech Republic's lease of 14 JAS-39 Gripen fighter jets from Sweden. The cabinet is due to get copies of the contract on Wednesday. The defence minister said that final debate on the contracts would round up by next week, making the documents' signing a matter of days. The defence minister told journalists on Tuesday the lease would cost the Czech Republic around one billion crowns less than originally proposed - some 19 billion in all. The first contract outlines specifics of the ten-year lease, while the second covers offset programmes.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 06/01/2004

    Seventy-three days ahead of Athens' summer Olympic Games some 103 Czech athletes are preparing to go. 59 have already been assured definite places in the Games, with the remainder to be decided by July 7th. Individual disciplines involving the most Czech athletes include athletics and basketball.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 05/31/2004

    The Czech Defence Minister Miroslav Kostelka has revealed that he does not expect Czech military personnel currently serving in Iraq to continue their mission next year. 90 Czech military police officers have been stationed in Iraq since the beginning of 2004, training Iraqi police officers ahead of the transfer of power on June 30th; Parliament has given Czech specialists a mandate to be Iraq until the end of the year. On Monday Mr Kostelka told journalists that the Czech Army's foreign missions needed to be reduced, as the military was also running continuing missions in Afghanistan and Kosovo. He said that although the Czech Army had proved capable of taking part in three missions at once, it was not ideal with regards to on-going reforms. Still, Mr Kostelka did indicate a final decision on forces in Iraq would ultimately lie with "the politicians".

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 05/31/2004

    Twenty-four Greek military specialists have arrived in Prague to attend a one-week chemical protection course in the Czech Republic. The chemicals and medical specialists arrived at Prague's Kbely airport on Monday ahead of training in Vyskov, south Moravia, connected with guarding this summers Olympic Games which kick-off in Athens on August 13th. A total of 48 Greek soldiers will receive instruction, working directly with toxic materials and learning to handle the psychology of contamination scenarios.

    Meanwhile, talks between Greece and NATO are underway discussing the possibility of actually sending Czech military chemical specialists to Athens. So far, NATO has not officially requested Czech help on Greek soil.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 05/31/2004

    President Vaclav Klaus has criticised as "undignified" comments made by Bavarian Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber at the weekend regarding the so-called Benes Decrees. The decrees, which sanctioned the expulsion of 2.5 million ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia after World War II, remain a point of controversy and contention for some German and Austrian politicians. On Sunday Bavarian Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber repeated a call for the decrees' abolishment, saying they had no place in the European Union. Mr Stoiber added that unless the Czech Republic condemned the post-war expulsion of Germans he would not pay an official visit to the country. Responding on Monday, however, Czech President Vaclav Klaus said the decrees were "untouchable" - saying any attempt to have them abolished was an attempt to rewrite history.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 05/31/2004

    The head of European Parliament Pat Cox -in Prague on Monday -indicated he would be willing to run for the post of president of the European Commission. Speaking in Prague, Mr Cox added however, he did not know whether he would be asked to do so. In a little under one month's time current EU Commission president Romano Prodi will step down from his post to be replaced by a new head of the Commission elected by the European Council. Names that have been mentioned in connection with the post along with Mr Cox include Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, considered the favourite, as well as others like Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schussel, or European Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten.

    Author: Jan Velinger
