• 07/21/2005

    Prague's Ruzyne international airport has registered a 15 percent rise in the number of visitors who passed through its gates in the first six months of this year, compared to last, a total of almost 5 million visitors. Airport representatives expect that as many as 10 million could pass through Ruzyne by the end of 2005. The Czech Airport Authority is currently building a new dispatch terminal which will be partly functional in August - and fully functional early next year. The project has cost a reported 8.5 billion crowns, around 340 million dollars US.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 07/21/2005

    The president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Thomas Dine, is expected to step down as president of the stations, based in the centre of Prague, later this year - although a spokesperson on Thursday failed to confirm an exact date. Mr Dine took over at RFE/RL in 1997, now broadcasting from Prague for ten years. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, financed by the US Congress, is still awaiting a final decision approved by the US Congress that would see the stations moved to a new location in the city away from the city's Wenceslas Square, where the station has been gauged as a security risk, ever since terrorist attacks took place in New York and Washington in September 2001.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 07/21/2005

    Two Czechs, a man and a woman, have received sentences of two years in prison in France for helping smuggling illegal immigrants. The two were apprehended on Tuesday transporting a caravan with 12 Chinese nationals hidden in the back. Both Czechs have appealed.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 07/20/2005

    The Czech government has approved a bill which would allow scientists to use human embryo cells in research, but would ban cloning of humans. The bill, which has yet to be approved by Parliament and signed by the President, would ensure that research with human embryo cells would be under strict control and individuals or institutions violating the ban would face severe punishment, from a revoked licence to eight years in prison.

  • 07/20/2005

    Several Romany organizations have protested against the government's decision to lower the subsistence level, thereby lowering social benefits for the unemployed. The bill, prepared by the Labour and Social Affairs Ministry wants to motivate people to actively seek a job instead of relying on social benefits. It would also lower the amount of financial support given to people with large families allegedly to prevent parents from living off their children. Romany representatives have slammed the proposal calling it racist and discriminatory and arguing that many of them cannot find work no matter how hard they try.

  • 07/20/2005

    Culture minister Pavel Dostal, who is suffering from cancer of the pancreas, has been hospitalized in serious condition. The 62 year old former journalist and playwright is has been battling the disease for two years, having undergone surgery and chemotherapy. At his request the hospital in Brno is not issuing any information about his condition. His family are said to be by his side.

  • 07/20/2005

    At is session on Wednesday the Cabinet approved a series of bills, among them a long-awaited bill on conflict of interests, a bill which would enable municipalities to regulate prostitution and a bill on absentee balloting in the elections. The Cabinet also approved a 76,4 billion crown state budget deficit in 2006. The proposed draft envisages expenditures of 906 billion crowns and revenues of around 830 billion crowns. All of the proposed bills still need to be approved by Parliament.

  • 07/20/2005

    A 56 year old man has been sentenced to 12 years for murdering a social worker in an old people's home. Frantisek Dolejsky, who lived in the old people's home, attacked one of male nurses after a dispute over three bottles of beer. The male nurse confiscated the beer on the grounds that Dolejsky was already very drunk. When he refused to return them Dolejsky came back with a knife and stabbed the 21 year old social worker in the stomach. The young man was rushed to hospital where he died several hours later. Dolejsky, known in the home as a notorious drunkard, went to a nearby pub to have a beer where he was arrested shortly after.

  • 07/20/2005

    Small shareholders could be squeezed out of a large number of Czech companies. 57 companies have already called general shareholders meetings for this purpose and another 300 companies are expected to follow. The squeezing out of small shareholders has been legalized by a recently approved amendment to the commercial code. The association for the protection of small shareholders OSMA wants to complain to the Constitutional Court.

  • 07/19/2005

    The Prime Minister Jiri Paroubek has shocked politicians and economists by saying that there was no urgent need for a pension reform in the Czech Republic. In an interview for the Bloomberg agency published on-line, the Prime Minister said that the current reform system would not overburden the state budget for another 20 years and that the increasing birth rate would further improve the situation. There is no urgency for reform in this sphere, Mr. Paroubek said, sweeping aside EU warnings regarding the need to speed up reforms of the pension and health care systems. The head of one of the smaller governing parties Miroslav Kalousek of the Christian Democrats has said that dallying with the pension reform would be irresponsible.
