• 01/20/2006

    The Czech minister of defence, Karel Kuhnl, has described as a terrible tragedy Thursday's air crash in which 42 Slovak soldiers died. Mr Kuhnl said the crash was all the sadder for the Czech Republic because the Slovaks had served side by side with Czech soldiers in the United Nations KFOR mission in Kosovo. He also expressed his deepest sympathy to Slovakia's defence minister, Juraj Liska.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/20/2006

    A controversial "memorial" erected by the far-right National Party at the site of a World War II concentration camp for Romanies in Lety, south Bohemia has been removed, following a vote by local councillors. The obscure party had planned to unveil the stone memorial on Saturday; they said it was in honour of those who died during the war. However, the idea was strongly criticised by Czech politicians and Roma rights groups. Over 300 Romanies died at Lety during World War II.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/20/2006

    The Czech crown has once again set a new record high against the euro, reaching 28.65 against the common European currency on Friday morning. Analysts said it was partly due to expectations that carmaker Hyundai will announce next week that it plans to build a huge factory in Moravia.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/20/2006

    Czech company CEZ is planning to buy two electric power stations in Bosnia, Hospodarske noviny reported. The paper said the move was in line with CEZ's aim of becoming one of the biggest players in the central and eastern European energy market.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/20/2006

    The four most popular Czech politicians are all in the government, suggests a poll by the STEM agency. Culture Minister Viteslav Jandak headed the January poll, followed by Prime Minister Jiri Paroubek, Finance Minister Bohuslav Sobotka and Petra Buzkova, who is minister of education. Fifth place was occupied by Pavel Bem, the Civic Democrat mayor of Prague.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/20/2006

    Two thirds of Czech schools inspected by fire officers had safety shortcomings, said a spokesperson for the fire officers' trade union. The most common problems were poor fire extinguishers, inadequate access to hydrants and impassable emergency exits.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/20/2006

    The funeral of Lady Luisa Abrahams has taken place in London. She was born in Prague in 1910 and was Czechoslovak ladies golf champion in 1938. During the war she became a major in the Czechoslovak Airforce, before settling in England with her aristocrat husband. But Lady Luisa maintained ties with her home country and did a lot of work for Czech charities.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/20/2006

    An inebriated man died while being taken to a drunk tank by the police in Tabor, south Bohemia on Thursday night. Doctors reportedly told the police to take the 45-year-old man to the drunk tank by car, despite the fact that he had lost consciousness at one point.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/20/2006

    One third of people attended to by the Prague emergency services on Thursday had sustained injuries after slipping on ice, a spokesperson for the emergency services said. Most of those hurt were elderly people, with many suffering leg and head injuries.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/19/2006

    The state-owned insurance company, the VZP - under forced administration - has begun sending medical facilities overdue payments worth 5.3 billion crowns, the equivalent of around 230 million US dollars. The troubled insurer had been paying doctors and facilities up to 50 days late for clients covered by VZP insurance. According to the Health Ministry, the situation should improve with payments reduced to 15 or 16 days. The move comes at a time Czech doctors have been planning protest strikes. On Thursday, the General Practitioners' Association's deputy head Jan Jelinek said that the association would now consider whether or not to end strike alert.

    Author: Jan Velinger
