• 03/22/2006

    The Czech Foreign Ministry has sent a protest note to Belarus over an attack on a Czech journalist in the capital Minsk during the presidential election, and asked for a thorough investigation into the affair. Jan Rybar suffered concussion and a broken nose after being set upon by two men on Sunday, the day Alexander Lukashenko was re-elected president in a vote the European Union said was neither free nor fair. Mr Rybar said he believed his assailants were secret police officers. Minister Svoboda told Wednesday's Mlada fronta Dnes he regarded the incident as very serious.

  • 03/22/2006

    A regional court has ruled that Kokorin Castle should be returned to its former owners: the Spacek family. The National Hertitage Fund which lost the case over the state-owned castle has not said whether it would appeal the verdict. Kokorin Castle which dates back to the 14th century, came into the ownership of the Spacek family in the early 20 th century and was confiscated by the communists after they came to power in 1948.

    Previous attempts by the family to get their property restored were thwarted by a law stipulating that all national cultural monuments must remain in state ownership. Last year the Constitutional court ruled this law unconstitutional, opening the way for the family's restitution claim.

  • 03/22/2006

    The deputy transport minister Petr Pospichal has resigned from office amid allegations of his possible involvement in a corruption scandal. According to the CTK news agency Pospichal is being questioned by the police and is to leave his post by Friday.

  • 03/22/2006

    The State Attorney has accused the former health minister Marie Souckova of breach of trust and abuse of power in connection with action she took relating to the Diag Human case. During her time in office the minister signed a highly disadvantageous contract with lawyer Zdenek Novacek who was to provide the ministry with legal advice in its dispute with Diag Human, a firm trading in blood plasma. The contract stated that he was to be paid 20 million crowns and a further 170 million crowns if the state won its case against Diag Human.

  • 03/22/2006

    The government has established an advisory council on seniors that will deal with problems linked to the aging of Czech society. The council will be headed by Labour Minister Zdenek Skromach and will be made up of representatives of organizations whose activities focus on senior citizens. The government expects the council to draft a systematic approach to meeting the needs of an aging society and make suggestions which would help improve the lives of pensioners.

  • 03/22/2006

    The Czech Medical Chamber is receiving a growing number of complaints from patients regarding treatment received at the hands of GPs and specialists. The head of the commission dealing with complaints Jana Vedralova said that most of the cases were about poor communication between doctor and patient rather than a poor diagnosis or an error in judgement.

  • 03/21/2006

    The Chamber of Deputies has failed to approve a new criminal code which would have radically overhauled Czech law. The governing Social Democrats decided not to support it because it dropped a provision on tunnelling (asset stripping) companies. Their decision meant the criminal code could not attain the 101 votes needed to overturn a veto by the Senate.

    Justice Minister Pavel Nemec said it was short-sighted to reject legislation that had been in preparation for over a decade because of one contentious article.

    Among several changes, it would have lowered the age of criminal responsibility to 14 and increased sentences for violent crimes. The Communist Party were opposed to the new code, as it would have made propagating communism a crime, while the Christian Democrats said it opened the way to the legalisation of euthanasia.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 03/21/2006

    The Czech foreign minister, Cyril Svoboda, has called for the main opposition leader in Belarus, Alexander Milinkevich, to be invited to a European Union summit later this week. Mr Milinkevich received around 6 percent of the vote in Sunday's presidential election in Belarus, which was won by the autocratic incumbent Alexander Lukashenko.

    The EU has described the election as neither free nor fair, and is considering stepping up sanctions against Belarus. However Minister Svoboda said he was opposed to tough sanctions: he called for more dialogue and support for the country's universities, NGOs and opposition.

    The Czech president, Vaclav Klaus, said Mr Lukashenko's landslide victory confirmed his fears for democracy in Belarus.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 03/21/2006

    Meanwhile, the Czech daily Mlada fronta Dnes reported one of its correspondents was badly beaten up in the centre of the capital Minsk on Sunday night. Jan Rybar suffered concussion and a broken nose during the attack; he said he believed his assailants were secret police officers. The Czech charge d'affaires in the city said he thought it was not an act of random violence.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 03/21/2006

    Over half of the children who died in road accidents in the Czech Republic last year were not strapped into children's seats or wearing seatbelts, according to figures released by the Central Auto Club on Tuesday. Thirty-nine children died in traffic accidents in 2005, 12 percent more than in 2004. Overall numbers of road deaths have declined in recent years.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
