• 11/24/2006

    Zoologist and former director of the Prague Zoo Zdenek Veselovsky has died at the age of 78. The former director was often credited with helping transform the Prague Zoo into an important European institution. He headed the facility from 1959 to 1988 and also authored dozens of books popularising nature and the natural sciences.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 11/24/2006

    Police have reportedly arrested a man being described as the main heroin supplier for the city of Ostrava in eastern Moravia. The suspect is believed to have trafficked heroin to the area for the last two years. The suspect was arrested with 130 grams of the drug on his person. The amount is worth around 500,000 crowns - the equivalent of more than 23,000 US dollars. Police monitored the suspect over the period of several months. Recent statistics suggest there are some 18,000 - 20,000 drug users in Ostrava, the hardest drugs including heroin and a local methamphetamine known as pervetin.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 11/23/2006

    The Civic Democrats are to start talks with the Social Democrats, the Christian Democrats and the Green Party on forming a four-party coalition government with a mandate until early elections in May or June 2008. Prime Minister designate Mirek Topolanek announced the plan after a meeting with representatives of the Greens on Thursday. Mr Topolanek said he was going to inform President Vaclav Klaus on Monday about the outcome of the talks. Next week will be devoted to negotiations about the government's programme. PM Topolanek also said a four-party cabinet is unlikely to be able to push through thorough reforms and that is why, he said, early elections should be held in eighteen months time.

  • 11/23/2006

    The Social Democrats have said they will decide by Monday whether they would support the four-party project with a view of early elections in 2008. Party leader Jiri Paroubek said on Thursday his party still preferred a cabinet with a three-year mandate.

  • 11/23/2006

    The Christian Democrats have said they are prepared to join a cabinet of four non-communist parties which would lead the country to early elections in 2008. The Green Party, the fourth partner in the project, have also approved the plan. The coalition would have 174 votes in the 200-member lower house. The Communists would be the only opposition party.

  • 11/23/2006

    The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has urged the Czech Republic to take a more resolute approach to cross-border corruption. A report the OECD released in Paris says that if it wants to meet the OECD requirements in this area, the Czech Republic has to immediately introduce legal entities' liability for corruption abroad and apply effective, adequate and deterring sanctions for it. The report has been completed by a working group that examined how the Czech Republic fulfils the OECD convention on combating bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions.

  • 11/23/2006

    The 10 newest members of the European Union stand to receive a huge cash injection from non-member Switzerland this weekend if Swiss voters approve controversial government plans for a one billion Swiss franc (630 million euro) grant. About half of the 10-year development package would go to Poland, ahead of Hungary and the Czech Republic, but the plan is opposed by right-wing isolationists in Switzerland who sought the referendum. The grant would be spent on chosen projects, ranging from fighting corruption, health care, cleaning up the environment, to promoting private enterprise including investment in small and medium sized companies.

  • 11/23/2006

    Czech Foreign Minister Alexandr Vondra received a special "ambassador" on Thursday - a barrel of beer. The barrel, delivered by a horse-drawn carriage from the country's brewing capital, Pilsen, was given the red carpet treatment at the foreign ministry. Signed by Czech President, Vaclav Klaus, sporting personalities and citizens from the West Czech city, the "ambassador at large" will be dispatched on a special mission to Brussels next Tuesday to help the Czech Republic fight an EU proposal to increase excise taxes on beer.

    EU finance ministers are due to debate the issue with the Finnish EU Presidency trying to win backing for a compromise proposal that can be swallowed by Europe's traditional beer drinking giants, such as the Czech Republic and Germany.

  • 11/23/2006

    Police in the city of Brno say they caught Civic Democrat MP David Seich drunk driving on Wednesday but Mr Seich has dismissed the accusation. The police stopped Mr Seich's car that was driving along an opposition direction stripe. A breathalyser test showed he had been drinking alcohol. David Seich, 30, faces proceedings before a commission for misdemeanours or before the lower house mandate and immunity committee. If an ordinary citizen had a similar incident, they would face a fine up to 50,000 crowns and could be stripped of their driving licence for up to two years.

  • 11/22/2006

    Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek has launched a new round of talks on forming a government that would end a five-month parliamentary stalemate and move the country towards early elections. After appointed PM for a second time, Mr Topolanek, chairman of the right-of-centre Civic Democrats, is now looking to form a broad coalition with his party's rivals the Social Democrats, the centrist Christian Democrats, and possibly the Green Party. The Social Democrats, who have lost ground in opinion polls, do not want elections until 2008 at the earliest. The Greens, on the other hand, support a spring 2007 vote.
