• 01/03/2007

    However, the chairman of the lower house, Social Democrat Miloslav Vlcek, has admitted the Social Democrats might still discuss possible tolerance of the centre-right coalition government of the Civic and Christian Democrats and the Greens. He said the coalition would have to make changes to its programme. On Tuesday, Social Democrat leader Jiri Paroubek ruled out support for the centre-right coalition, saying that his party was still waiting for its chance to try and form a government.

  • 01/03/2007

    On Tuesday, the line-up was finalised of the proposed centre-right coalition government involving the Civic Democrats, the Christian Democrats and the Green Party. Cyril Svoboda, former foreign minister, is to become minister without portfolio and chairman of the government's legislative council, while film director Helena Trestikova is to take up the post of culture minister. Nominations to other ministerial posts remain as originally proposed. Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek is now expected to officially present the new government to the president.

    Once his government is appointed Mr. Topolanek will have thirty days in which to ask the lower house for a vote of confidence. So far he can rely on the support of the Civic Democrat parliamentary party in the lower chamber. Mr Topolanek said he would try to negotiate support from the opposition Social Democrats - either as a party or if need be from individual members.

  • 01/03/2007

    The Gay Initiative has ended its activities in the Czech Republic saying its main objectives had been achieved. The civic association in support of gays and lesbians was set up in 1990, shortly after the fall of communism, to fight prejudices against gays and lobby for equal rights and opportunities for gays and lesbians. The association's chairman Jiri Hromada said at his last news conference on Wednesday that he was happy to say that most of the association's goals had been achieved and that the public's attitude towards gays had changed radically for the better. The Czech Republic was the first post-communist state to pass a law enabling same-sex registered partnerships.

  • 01/03/2007

    The number of deaths on Czech roads has decreased sharply following the introduction of a strict new road law in July of last year. According to statistics 951 people were killed in road accidents in 2006, which is the lowest figure in sixteen years. This is ascribed to the new points system which enables the police to confiscate drivers' licenses for a certain number of transgressions and the increased presence of traffic police on the roads in recent months.

  • 01/03/2007

    The Culture Ministry has finally decided that the Prague department store, formerly known as "Maj" will be declared a cultural monument. Culture Minister Martin Stepanek on Wednesday dismissed a protest by the building's owner, the Czech Republic's branch of Tesco, against an earlier decision by the ministry to that effect. The ministry says the building, located in the centre of Prague, is an important piece of architecture of the 1970s, relating to the functionalist style of the period between the two world wars.

  • 01/03/2007

    Taiwan-based digital, mobile and electronics manufacturing group BenQ will construct an LCD screen and monitor factory in the Czech Republic's second city, Brno, the project's local promoter CTP Invest has said. According to the internet news server, Aktualne.cz, the factory will have eight assembly lines capable of producing around 500,000 LCD screens and 500,000 monitors a year. The new plant, employing around 700 people, should begin production in the third quarter of the year, it added.

  • 01/02/2007

    The line-up of the proposed centre-right coalition government involving the Civic Democrats, the Christian Democrats and the Greens is to be finalized later today at a meeting of the Christian Democratic Party's executive leadership. One of the party's candidates for a ministerial post rejected the offer at the eleventh hour necessitating a last minute shake-up in one or two posts.

  • 01/02/2007

    The proposed centre-right government was high on the agenda of a New Years' luncheon between Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek and President Vaclav Klaus on Tuesday. The president expressed reservations both with regard to its line up and the fact that the prime minister has not secured majority support for it in the lower house. Despite his critical stand, the president is bound by the constitution to appoint whatever government the prime minister proposes. The prime minister will then have thirty days in which to ask the lower house for a vote of confidence. The Czech Republic has been without a stable government since the last general elections ended in stalemate last June.

  • 01/02/2007

    The Civic Democratic Party is divided over the proposed government. In recent days the prime minister has come under fire from his own party members for allegedly making too many concessions to the Christian Democrats and the Greens. On Saturday the prime minister slammed one of his leading critics - the party's deputy chairman and mayor of Prague Pavel Bem, saying that his stand stemmed from economic rather than political interests. In Saturday's edition of the Czech daily Lidove Noviny, Mr. Topolanek suggested that Mr. Bem's past cooperation with the Social Democrats in the City Hall involved some dubious agreements and that he was now pushing for a similar model on the national level. The remarks have provoked outrage at Prague City Hall and Mr. Bem has demanded a public apology.

    The Civic Democratic Party's deputies group is to meet on Wednesday to discuss the conditions of the government deal. The party's leadership will be asked to explain why it failed to lay claim to key cabinet posts such as the finance and foreign ministries.

  • 01/02/2007

    Senators for the Civic Democratic Party on Tuesday expressed support for the three-party coalition government and called for party unity. Chairman of the Senate Premysl Sobotka said that the Civic Democrats must now present a united front in order to implement the party's policy programme and maintain a high level of public support.
