• 03/04/2007

    Czech political parties are selecting their candidates for president in next year's presidential elections. President Klaus has announced his decision to seek re-election and it is expected that he will get full backing from the centre right Civic Democratic Party. However he could not hope to win without support from the Christian Democratic Party which is divided over the matter. Only some of its members are willing to support Mr. Klaus, others are looking around for a different candidate. The opposition Social Democrats want to pit a female candidate against Vaclav Klaus and the Greens have said they like the idea. If the Social Democrats find a candidate who would win broad support Mr. Klaus' position would be threatened.

  • 03/04/2007

    The police have arrested three men on suspicion of having attempted to bribe a key witness in the case of Regional Development Minister Jiri Cunek who is accused of corruption. The key witness is the minister's former secretary Marcela Urbanova, who claims she saw him take a half a million crown bribe while he was still mayor of Vsetin. She told the police that the men in question allegedly approached her with an offer of money if she agreed to change her testimony in favour of her former boss. Jiri Cunek is the first government minister to be prosecuted in office. He refuses to resign despite repeated calls for him to do so.

  • 03/04/2007

    Jiri Menzel's new film "I served the King of England" received four Czech Lion Awards and was voted film of the year at the prestigious Czech Lion Awards ceremony hosted by the Czech Film and Television Academy on Saturday night. I served the King of England is the director's sixth adaptation of works by Bohumil Hrabal and it recently won the International Federation of Film Critics Award at the Berlinale 2007 Film Festival.

  • 03/03/2007

    The Czech Catholic Church has agreed to hand over the administration of St. Vitus Cathedral to Prague Castle. The Catholic Church is thus adhering to the ruling of the Supreme Court according to which the cathedral belongs to the state. This is yet another twist in a thirteen year long legal battle between the Church and state over ownership rights. The Church won the Cathedral back only last June under a ruling by the Prague City Court but has now had to relinquish its right to it. Cardinal Miloslav Vlk said the Church would consider taking the legal battle to a European court.

  • 03/03/2007

    The Austrian government has asked lawyers to look into the possibility of filing an international lawsuit against the Czech Republic over the Temelin nuclear power plant in south Bohemia. Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer said that the request did not imply that the Austrian government had firmly decided to take court action. Austria remains concerned over safety standards at the nuclear plant and anti-nuclear activists question the Czech Republic's adherence to the so-called Melk agreement, which binds the Czech Republic to informing its neighbors about any problems at the plant within a set time limit.

    The country's heads of government agreed last week to establish a joint parliamentary commission to monitor safety at Temelin, but Austrian anti-nuclear activists dismissed the talks and have continued to effect border blockades demanding the plant's closure.

  • 03/03/2007

    President Klaus is to travel to the United States on Sunday for a three week visit which is expected to cover a number of outstanding issues in bilateral relations. His talks with US top officials will focus primarily on the US plan to build a US missile defense shield in the Czech Republic and Poland and the lifting of visa requirements for Czechs traveling to the United States. The Czech Republic has promised to give Washington an official response within a month on whether the country would be prepared to host a US radar base on its territory.

    Although the final decision will be made by Parliament, the governing coalition is divided over the matter. The Civic Democrats and Christian Democrats support it, but the Green Party objects to the fact that the defense project does not involve the country's NATO allies.

  • 03/03/2007

    Karel Bican, bishop of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, has not been excommunicated despite the sex scandal that surrounds him. The patriarch of the Hussite Church Tomas Butta said that Bican refuses to leave of his own accord and a vote by the Prague diocese had not gone against him. The 55 year old bishop recently admitted that he had demanded sex from a young man just released from prison in return for helping him find accommodation and work.

  • 03/03/2007

    All applicants for jobs in the Czech Armed Forces will in future have to undergo compulsory screening for drug abuse, Defense Minister Vlasta Parkanova told journalists on Friday. The decision comes shortly after it emerged that nine professional soldiers at the prestigious Caslav military air base - home to the country's Gripen fighter jets - use drugs. Tests were ordered at the base after the police arrested two soldiers on suspicion of drug-dealing. Minister Parkanova said that in future all soldiers would be subjected to random tests.

  • 03/03/2007

    Fans of Shakira have flocked to Prague for her first ever concert in the Czech capital. The 29 years old Latin American pop singer-songwriter will perform at Prague's Sazka Arena on 3rd March 2007. She will be singing hits from her latest album Oral Fixation. Tickets range from 1300 to 1600 crowns.

  • 03/03/2007

    The Krkonose Mountains rescue service has called a high avalanche alert in all mountain resorts. Fresh snowfall overnight in combination with relatively high daytime temperatures are said to have increased the risk of avalanches several fold.
