• 05/17/2007

    A new opinion poll suggests that general elections would end in a stalemate if they were held tomorrow and would therefore not shake the current left-right balance in parliament. In the poll, conducted by the STEM agency, the Civic Democratic Party, which won the elections last year, and the Social Democrats, who came second would win 71 seats each in the lower house. The Communists would hold 29 seats, the Greens 18 seats, and the Christian Democrats 11 seats. Just like last year, the 200 seats would be evenly split between the left and the right side of the political spectrum.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 05/17/2007

    Hospital staff in the west Bohemian town of Karlovy Vary had to fight for the lives of patients after a power cut left them without electricity for two hours. A blackout on Wednesday night had the hospital run on emergency power for forty-five minutes when the generator suddenly failed too. Of the 300 patients in the hospital, four of them were in critical condition and doctors and nurses had to operate their medical instruments manually to keep them alive. It has yet to be determined why the generator failed.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 05/17/2007

    President Vaclav Klaus awarded Cardinal Miloslav Vlk with a medal of merit called the "Plaque of Honour" on Thursday. At Prague Castle, the Roman Catholic Church's most senior representative in the Czech Republic received the medal for his contribution to the development of religious life and social dialogue. Cardinal Vlk turned 75 on Thursday.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 05/17/2007

    Police in Moravia's capital Brno are preparing for what is expected to be one of their biggest security operations when seventeen presidents of Central and Eastern Europe meet in the city later this month. The presidential summit is scheduled for May 24-26 and will be guarded by special units as well as some 800 police officers. The deputy head of the south Moravian police, Martin Kotlan, says it is the biggest security operation since Queen Elizabeth visited Brno in 1996.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 05/17/2007

    A new opinion poll suggests that most Czechs believe the government's public finance reform plan will worsen living standards in terms of health, education, and employment. According to the poll, conducted by the Factum Invenium agency this month, Czechs are pessimistic about life after retirement, fearing that pensions will be low and care of the elderly will be poor.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 05/17/2007

    A 29-year-old woman from Prague has become the first Czech woman to climb Mount Everest. Klara Polackova reached the top of the world's highest mountain on Wednesday, guided by the grandson of the legendary mountaineer Tenzing Norgay, who together with Edmund Hillary, was the first to reach the summit and return safely in 1953. Ms Polackova says she is now looking forward to a shower and Czech beer and food. Mount Everest is the second mountain above 8,000 metres that she has conquered, following her earlier climb of Cho Oyu, also in the Himalayas.

    Meanwhile, Prague mayor Pavel Bem, who is currently fulfilling a childhood dream to climb Mount Everest, has one last leg to go before he reaches the summit. Due to bad weather on Thursday, he has postponed the final ascent to Friday.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 05/17/2007

    The remains of over three dozen German WWII soldiers have been found near the Moravian town of Olomouc. The soldiers are believed to have been killed by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War. The German union for the protection and care of war graves has commissioned a company from northern Bohemia to exhume the remains.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 05/17/2007

    The Czech market is witnessing record sales in motorcycles. In the first four months of this year, 6,704 new motorcycles were sold - 40 percent more than last year. The boom has been attributed to the fact that prices of motorbikes have gone down making it affordable for Czechs to buy Japanese, European, and American makes.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 05/16/2007

    The search for a missing 13-year-old girl is now into its fifth day. The girl, named Anna, disappeared from a children's home in Brno on Friday night. She lived with Klara Mauerova, who is in custody on child abuse charges, after it emerged she kept her eight-year-old son bound, naked and in the dark. Ms Mauerova was in the process of applying to adopt Anna, who has mental problems; otherwise the authorities have no record of her existence. Many other questions remain unclear in the case, which has shocked the country.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 05/16/2007

    The Austrian government has accused the Czech Republic of not fulfilling all its obligations regarding an agreement on the Temelin nuclear power plant in south Bohemia. Austria's chancellor, Alfred Gusenbauer, said a diplomatic note had been sent to Prague, though he said his government had not filed a lawsuit against the Czech state. For its part, the Czech government says it has kept its side of what is called the Melk agreement on safety at Temelin.

    Austrian anti-nuclear groups have said if their government does not take legal action against the Czech Republic within four weeks they will again hold protest blockades at all 16 border crossings between the two states. They warned that future protests would be longer than the two-hour blockades held to date.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
