• 12/24/2023

    Czechs around the country are preparing to celebrate Christmas Eve, with most people getting ready for the traditional festive dinner of carp with potato salad and children looking forward to receiving gifts in the evening, which in the Czech Republic are brought by "Ježíšek", i.e. the baby Jesus. Many people, even those who are not religious and do not normally go to church, attend the midnight mass on Christmas Eve.

    All shops in Czechia with an area of over 200 square metres had to close by law at noon on Sunday, and will only reopen on Wednesday, December 27th. Small shops up to 200 square metres in size, as well as shops at railway stations, airports, pharmacies or gas stations, are allowed to stay open.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 12/24/2023

    The heavy overnight rainfall in Czechia has caused water to rise to dangerously high levels in many rivers and waterways around the country. At least one of the three flood levels was reported at over 60 measuring stations on Sunday morning, with the south and west of the country being the worst affected. Firefighters in the Karlovy Vary region had to rescue five people who were trapped in a cottage surrounded by the rising deluge.

    The consequences of Saturday's strong winds and snowfall are also continuing to be dealt with. Firefighters are still working to clear the roads of fallen trees in some areas and on Sunday morning around 52,000 households were still without electricity. The strong winds have continued on Sunday and are predicted to do so until midday on Monday.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 12/24/2023

    People in Czechia have donated more than 45 million crowns as of Sunday afternoon to support the families of the victims, teachers and students affected by Thursday’s shooting at the Faculty of Arts. Most of that money has been raised by the collection organised by the Charles University Foundation Fund, with tens of thousands of people contributing. The university has said it will use the funds to provide targeted psychological and material assistance to those affected.

    Other collections include one organised by Masaryk University in Brno and another on the donation website Znesnáze21.cz. The Prague city government has also promised to contribute CZK 5 million.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 12/23/2023

    Sunday should be overcast with rain and day temperatures around 8 degrees Celsius.

  • 12/23/2023

    Strong winds and snow have been causing complications around the country. Several flights were diverted by Vaclav Havel Airport because of the adverse weather conditions, others were delayed. Firefighters are clearing the roads from fallen trees and in two towns decorated Christmas trees on the main square were also toppled by the strong wind. Thousands of households were left without electricity on Saturday. The wind claimed one human life, when a tree fell on a car in the Havlickuv Brod region on Thursday, killing the driver.

  • 12/23/2023

    People have contributed almost 19 million crowns to support the families of the victims, teachers and students affected by Thursday’s shooting at the Faculty of Arts. The collection organised by the Charles University Foundation Fund alone raised close to 16 million crowns in just two days. Charles University has said it will use the funds to provide targeted assistance to those affected and will coordinate the use with the faculty's management.

  • 12/23/2023

    Police on Friday arrested a man from the Vysočina region who threatened to shoot the entire family of the gunman from the Faculty of Arts in Prague. They also seized a legally held gun in his possession,  Police President Martin Vondrášek said at a press conference on Friday. The police chief appealed for calm and restraint in the wake of the tragedy.

    He said the police detained four people who reacted in a potentially dangerous manner to Thursday's shooting incident, including a man who said he was inspired by the shooter and would kill.

  • 12/23/2023

    Britain’s King Charles and Queen Camilla have expressed their condolences to the Czech people over the shooting at the Prague Faculty of Arts. In a letter to President Pavel, posted on X by the British ambassador to Prague, Matt Field, King Charles said he and Queen Camilla were deeply saddened and shocked by the news of the tragedy. "We feel deeply for the families and loved ones of the victims, to whom we send our most profound sympathy” the letter said. The king recalled “treasured visits to Prague” over the years saying his prayers were with the Czech people at this desperately difficult time.

    The British monarch has visited the Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia five times, most recently in 2010, when he came with his wife Camilla.

  • 12/23/2023

    On Friday evening police intervened in Prague’s I.P. Pavlova Square where a man was supposed to be carrying a grenade. Traffic was stopped at the scene, with metro trains only passing through the station. Explosives experts called in ascertained that the object was a dummy. Two men were arrested.

    Heightened security measures are in place in Prague and other cities over the Christmas holidays in the wake of Thursday’s shooting incident. Christmas markets, shopping malls and other potential soft targets are under increased surveillance, with police officers patrolling the streets.

  • 12/23/2023

    Czechs are observing a day of mourning for the victims of the tragic shooting at the Prague Faculty of Arts on Thursday. President Petr Pavel, the country’s top officials, academics and members of the public attended a mass for the departed at St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague. Flags are flying at half-mast and at midday bells around the country tolled in their memory as people held a minute of silence for the victims. Masses are being held around the country and people are laying flowers and lighting candles at impromptu commemorative sites that have appeared in many towns and cities.

    Cultural events over the Christmas weekend have been scrapped or modified to fit the occasion with concerts starting with a minute of silence in a show of respect for those who died in the tragedy. Christmas markets will remain open but with muted or no music.
