• 01/11/2024

    Friday will be mostly cloudy with occasional snow showers in the mountain regions. Day temperatures are expected to range between -2 and 2 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/11/2024

    Czechia’s Jiří Lehečka has reached the semi-finals of tennis’s Adelaide International. The seventh-seeded Czech overcame Nicolás Jarry of Chile 6:4, 7:5. Lehečka, who is 22, will play for the second final of his career against the third-seeded American Sebastian Korda.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/11/2024

    The Prague High Court has agreed to extradite Indian citizen Nikhil Gupta to the US, where he faces charges of conspiring to assassinate a Sikh separatist leader in New York, Seznam Zpravy reported on Thursday, citing the judicial database Infosoud. The extradition still requires the approval of Justice Minister Pavel Blažek.

    Gupta was detained in Prague in June on the basis of a US-Czech extradition treaty. According to Seznam Zpravy, he is now in Prague's Pankrác prison. The High Court upheld the decision of the first instance court in a closed hearing this week.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/11/2024

    The number of Czechs who never follow political events in the media has significantly increased, suggests a new survey conducted by the CVVM agency at the end of last year.

    According to the poll, some 20 percent of respondents never follow political news in the media, which is 11 percentage points more than in 2020, and the highest figure in two decades.

    Nevertheless, following political issues in the media remains the most common activity of the Czech public in relation to politics. The second is discussing politics with friends and the least frequent activity is working for a political party.

    In terms of public engagement, most Czechs (26 percent) participate in sports organisations, followed by civic and interest associations and charitable activities, in which less than a fifth of citizens are involved.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/11/2024

    Czechia is preparing to reopen its Consulate General in Mumbai, which was closed in 2011, Prime Minister Petr Fiala said in a speech at the NIMS University in Jaipur, India, on Thursday.  According to the Czech prime minister, the reopening of the Czech Consulate General in India's financial capital should also help Indian scientists and students, whose number at Czech universities is growing.

    The Czech prime minister also inspected the construction of a centre for artificial intelligence, robotics and cybernetics in Jaipur, named after Czech scientist Vladimír Mařík. The foundation stone of the centre was laid last March and its official opening is planned for the end of the year.

    Fiala concluded his visit to Jaipur by meeting with representatives of the university, local government, business community and start-ups. He is expected to return to Czechia shortly before midnight.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/11/2024

    Czechia and Poland violate the EU election law as their national laws do not enable citizens of other EU countries to join Czech, respectively Polish political parties, preventing them from running in local or European elections, the Court of Justice of the European Union Advocate-General, Jean Richard de La Tour, said on Thursday.

    According to the European Commission, which turned to the European Court of Justice in June 2021, this entails discrimination on grounds of nationality. The executive claims Czechia and Poland are the only two EU countries where such restrictions apply.

    While Mr. La Tour backed the European Commission’s position, his view may not coincide with the ruling of the court.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 01/11/2024

    Inflation in Czechia for the whole last year reached 10.7 percent, according to data published by the Czech Statistics Office on Thursday. That was 4.4 percentage points below the level for 2022, when the country saw the second highest rise in consumer prices in its history.

    December saw inflation slow to 6.9 percent from the 7.3 percent recorded the previous month. The slowdown in December was driven by alcohol and food prices.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/11/2024

    Most anti-flood measures employed in Prague in response to rising river levels were discontinued on Thursday. All the city’s embankments were reopened to the public at 8 am, while cars are also now allowed to drive on riverside walkways. The flood gates on Čertovka stream have been reopened.

    Only the pedestrian walking section of the Rašín embankment will remain closed for the time being, an official said. The Czech Hydro-Meteorological Institute will end a flood alert for Prague on Thursday evening.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/10/2024

    An apology proffered by MP Jiří Kobza of the Freedom and Direct Democracy party over statements he made following a mass shooting at Prague’s Charles University is insufficient, the institution said on Wednesday.

    The university said it would file criminal charges of spreading false alarm and using hate speech against the politician after he blamed the institution for the shooting, which was carried out by a student there, saying it had helped shape his outlook through “inclusive progressive education”.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 01/10/2024

    In view of the crisis situation, the Czech police and the Ministry of the Interior handled communication correctly with regard to a mass shooting at a Prague university last month, the interior minister, Vít Rakušan, said on Wednesday.

    The minister told reporters that he would task the head of the Czech police force with improving channels of communication with other “soft targets” in case of future tragic events.

    Fourteen people lost their lives when a student at the Faculty of Arts in central Prague went on a shooting spree before killing himself. He had earlier murdered a man and his two-month old baby as well as his own father.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
