• 04/04/2024

    Research at the Biotechnology and Biomedical Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec, near Prague will be expanded to study other dangerous types of viruses, the news site Novinky.cz reported. Research is currently underway on hepatitis B, HIV, Covid and the virus that spreads the so-called Rift Valley fever, which could spread from Africa to Europe. More than 100 volunteers worked in the laboratories during the Covid pandemic, examining imported samples. The research centre opened in 2014. Its renovation to a high-security facility cost almost 40 million, with an additional 25 million spent on top-grade equipment.

  • 04/04/2024

    The Czech government has allocated several hundred million crowns for the purchase of artillery ammunition for Ukraine, Prime Minister Petr Fiala said in an interview on CNN Prima News on Wednesday evening. The prime minister said that the contribution corresponds to the size of the Czech Republic. He did not specify the exact sum saying that the government had made the decision in confidential mode. According to Czech government sources, close to 20 countries have so far promised to contribute money for the purchase of ammunition for Ukraine from countries outside the EU. Prague has thus collected funds to pay for 300,000 artillery shells and is negotiating the purchase of another half a million.

  • 04/03/2024

    Thursday should be partly cloudy to overcast with rain showers and day temperatures between 13 and 17 degrees Celsius.

  • 04/03/2024

    Former President Miloš Zeman has been discharged from Motol Hospital in Prague into home care. Mr. Zeman had been hospitalized since mid-March following surgery to remove a blood clot in his leg. Doctors said the 79-year-old former president is recovering well and is gradually improving. Mr. Zeman is rehabilitating and is now able to walk with the help of a walking aid. He has been advised to take it easy for the next few weeks and postpone a planned visit to Slovakia.

  • 04/03/2024

    More finances are needed to fund the Czech initiative to buy ammunition for Ukraine from outside the EU, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský told journalists in Brussels on Wednesday. According to Czech government sources around 20 countries have promised to contribute money for the purchase of ammunition to far. Prague has thus collected funds to pay for 300,000 artillery shells and is negotiating the purchase of another half a million.

  • 04/03/2024

    Police have proposed filing charges against the former head of the presidential office, Vratislav Mynář, on suspicion of subsidy fraud linked to his property in Osvětimany, Czech Television reported  on Wednesday citing a spokesperson for the State Prosecutor's Office in Brno. The prosecutor on the case will now decide whether to file charges, return the case to the police for further investigation, or drop it altogether due to lack of substantial evidence. A decision is expected within the next few months. Vratislav Mynář headed the president’s office during the tenure of the former head of state Miloš Zeman.

  • 04/03/2024

    The Dvůr Králové Safari Park is the first zoo in Czechia to have successfully bred the rare aardwolf or earthwolf  - a breed of small hyena. The three cubs were born on Sunday and are reportedly doing well. Only three zoos in the world have managed to breed this particular hyena, which is only about half a metre tall. A litter of three aardwolf cubs is a triumph in itself and it has been hailed as one of the most important breeding successes in the zoo’s close to eighty year history.

  • 04/03/2024

    Prague’s Astronomical Clock was momentarily stopped at 10 am on Wednesday to mark a nationwide No Rush Day initiative aimed at highlighting the dangers of rushing, especially on the road. When the clock stopped, the Grim Reaper struck the hour 138 times for every life lost last year due to speeding.

    No Rush Day was initiated by the Czech Association of Insurance Companies and dozens of institutions and companies have supported it.

  • 04/03/2024

    The Czech Ministry of Health has proposed adding seven more psychoactive substances derived from HHC and THCP to the list of banned addictive substances, the Czech Press Agency reported. The proposal is still open to debate by expert groups and will be presented to the government for approval around mid-April. The government earlier banned the psychoactive substances HHC, HHC-O and THCP after dozens of children ended up in hospital after overdosing on sweets containing them. The ban on the sale and possession of these substances came into effect at the beginning of March. Possession of the banned substances means a fine of up to CZK 15,000, with larger amounts also punishable by prison.

  • 04/03/2024

    A total of 30 parties and coalitions have submitted their candidate lists for the 2024 European elections to the Czech Ministry of Interior, the ministry announced on its website. The deadline for submitting entries ended on Tuesday. All of the parliamentary parties are running in the elections, which will take place in  June 7-8, with only the opposition ANO and the Pirate Party of the ruling coalition running separately. The ministry will decide by April 20 which parties and coalitions have fulfilled all the requirements required by law and will thus be allowed to run in the elections.
