• 04/28/2024

    The state will compensate farmers for the huge losses caused by last week’s severe frosts, Agriculture Minister Marek Výborný said in an interview for Czech Radio. He said he is counting on an allocation of at least CZK 70 to 100 million, for fruit growers and vineyard owners, many of whom are now at risk of going out of business. In Bohemia, the frosts damaged almost the entire fruit harvest and vineyards, in Moravia it was over 50 percent. The losses, which are unprecedented in the last 100 years, are expected to exceed CZK 2 billion. The minister said that while the state cannot afford to compensate farmers fully, it wants to help them survive.

  • 04/27/2024

    The government is set to discuss proposed changes to the pension system on Tuesday. The proposal envisages a gradual increase in the retirement age linked to a higher life expectancy, a different basis for calculating old-age pensions, a lower indexation of pensions and a minimum pension amounting to 20 percent of the average wage. Most of the changes would affect people born after 1966. The present retirement age is 65 for both men and women.

    According to Labour Minister Marian Jurečka the reform is necessary for the sustainability of the pension system. However the opposition ANO party is critical of the planned changes and has said that if it wins the 2025 general elections and gets to form a government it will abolish them. Trade unions and associations of disabled and senior citizens are also opposed to the reform.

  • 04/27/2024

    Sunday should be clear to partly cloudy with day temperatures between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius.

  • 04/27/2024

    An area of Cistercian landscapes connecting Europe (Austria, Czechia, Germany, Poland, Slovenia) has been awarded the prestigious European Heritage Label for playing a significant role in Europe's history, culture, and the development of the Union. The European Commission, which awards the status, considers applications every two years. In Czechia this pertains to the northern Plzen region around the Plasy Monastery. According to the local authorities the title will help Plasy gain prestige and increase its chances of acquiring EU subsidies and grants for special projects.

  • 04/27/2024

    Cyber security experts warn that the Cerberus malware, which attacks Android smartphones and tablets, has seen a dramatic rise in recent weeks. It has risen from virtually zero to the third most widespread threat in Czechia in just two months. The Cerberus virus, which is available on the black market, is most commonly spread through fake applications. In recent weeks, it has most often spread as pirated copies of MX Player and Ultimate USB.

  • 04/27/2024

    The popular Tram Café operating in a historic tram placed on Wenceslas Square has been removed.  According to Giancarlo Lamberti, who heads the Finances Committee of Prague 1, the operator's lease contract was terminated last year, after an inspection revealed that the owner lacked all the required permits. The café would have had to be removed soon anyway, since preparations are underway for the reconstruction of Wenceslas Square. Work is due to start at the end of June. The veteran tram is to be auctioned off.

  • 04/27/2024

    Czech judoka Renata Zachová has made history by winning gold in the European Judo Championship in the under-63kg category. Despite being ranked just 22nd in the world, Zachová emerged victorious, defeating Joanne Van Lieshout of the Netherlands in the final. Zachová's journey to the final included victories over Alessia Corrao, Magdalena Krssakova, Savita Russo, and defending champion Andreja Leski. Zachová is the first female European champion from Czechia.

  • 04/27/2024

    The perpetrator of last year's tragic shooting at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University was not mentally deranged, according to state attorney Jana Murínová, who is supervising the investigation of the case. Responding to questions from the security committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Murínová said this had been confirmed by an expert in psychiatry who examined the shooter’s health record. Seeking out the help of a psychiatrist does not automatically mean that a person suffers from a mental disorder, the state attorney said. The motive behind the shooting remains unclear. The police have six months in which to present a full report on the case. The shooter, who was a student of the faculty went on a rampage in December of last year, shooting 14 people and injuring 25.

  • 04/26/2024

    The city council in Liberec has approved plans for a new cable car leading to the top of Ještěd Mountain after the old cable car was irreparably damaged in an accident in 2021. According to the plans approved, the new cable car will have one cabin and will be extended to the tram line in Horní Hanychov. Ideally, construction of the cable car should begin in 2026 and it could be in operation by January 2029.

  • 04/26/2024

    The Pirate Party of the governing coalition has strongly rejected a proposal put forward by their coalition partner, the Christian Democrats, to increase social insurance contributions for childless people. They say the plan is controversial and unjust, since it would punish people who cannot or do not want to have children. Pirate Party leader Ivan Bartoš said that in his opinion the state should rather focus on helping parents with things like available crèches and kindergartens and flexible working hours.
