• 06/02/2005

    The Agriculture Ministry has revealed that in 2004 the Czech agriculture sector turned a profit of 9 billion crowns, or 365 million US dollars, a marked turn around from the previous year when Czech agriculture suffered losses of 2 billion crowns. The ministry has attributed the turn-around in revenues to the Czech Republic's joining the EU, seeing an increase in subsidies, improvements in production, and a rise in prices. The Czech Statistical Office has said that in 2003 the agriculture sector received 21 billion crowns in support, while last year that amount rose by one third.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 06/02/2005

    The government's Economic Growth Strategy paper, drafted by a team of experts led by the Deputy Prime Minister for the Economy Martin Jahn, has suggested the Czech Republic could abolish its forced retirement age, allowing people to retire according to their own will and projected pensions. In 2015, there should be seven percent fewer people in productive age than present. The Czech population is aging and many analysts say the current system of funding pensions cannot be upheld.

    According to the strategy paper, early retirement conditions could be toughened. Half of all of those currently unemployed are aged between 55 and 64 and the current system does not motivate them to look for jobs. In addition, it is difficult for the older people to find work. The report recommends that the state should therefore concentrate on the education of people over 45 as motivation to remain in the work force.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 06/02/2005

    Czech police are investigating a suspicious package which arrived at Prague Castle on Thursday. Details, other than the fact the package was sent from the US, are momentarily not known. Every year Prague Castle, the Office of the President, and numerous other institutions receive similar such packages which are treated with caution and subjected to testing for possible threats.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 06/02/2005

    Police have charged a tram driver with endangering the public in connection with an accident that claimed the lives of two pedestrians in March. The driver's streetcar jumped the rails at Prague's Charles Square killing two and injuring three others who were unable to get out of the way in time. Police say the driver was driving too fast. If found guilty he could face up to 10 years in prison.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 06/02/2005

    A Czech businessman has received an 8-year prison sentence for complicity to murder, in Bucharest. The announcement was made by the Czech consulate in Romania on Thursday; it is expected that the businessman, Frantisek Priplata, will appeal the ruling.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 06/02/2005

    Czech MP Svatopluk Karasek has said he has been refused a visa to visit Belarus to take part in a concert organised by dissident groups opposed to the authoritarian rule of President Alexander Lukashenko. Mr Karasek, a vocal supporter of human rights, had wanted to perform a song titled "Say No to the Devil" in Minsk. The MP, who is also a pastor, took part in an opposition rally in Belarus last year. Three other Czech MPs have been granted visas to Belarus and should be able to attend the protest event.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 06/02/2005

    The Prague Castle steps will see an exhibition race by world class mountain bikers next week, including Olympic Gold medal winner in Sydney 2000, Frenchman Miguel Martinez. 50 racers are expected to take part. The race, which features a 1,200 metre circuit, includes a descent of 189 Castle steps, and a climbing section with an incline of 12 percent in Prague's Mala Strana (Little Quarter).

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 06/01/2005

    The Czech Republic will propose to its European partners that the ratification of the EU Constitution should continue but that the whole process should be delayed in the light of the French rejection of the treaty. Prime Minister Jiri Paroubek said on Wednesday that his three party coalition, which strongly backs the treaty, had given him a mandate to seek an extension of the ratification process at a summit of European leaders on June 16th. Mr. Paroubek said that the Czech government would press ahead with its information campaign on the EU Constitution despite calls from the Christian Democrats, one of the smaller parties in government, that it should be suspended, pending a decision by the EU leadership.

  • 06/01/2005

    The prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia will meet on June 9th to discuss ways of getting European integration back on track after the French rejection of the EU Constitution. The talks will take place within the framework of a planned summit of Visegrad states, a lose alliance of Central European countries. Polish Prime Minister Marek Belka, who will host the meeting in Warsaw, said the Visegrad member states had unanimously agreed to devote part of the meeting to an exchange of ideas that might give new impetus to the process of European integration. The Polish Prime Minister repeated his conviction that Poland should ratify the EU Constitution and said that he wanted to help France to remain the locomotive of European integration.

  • 06/01/2005

    A Czech classical musician appeared on television on Tuesday to deny he was the mysterious mute pianist found last month wandering on an English beach. Tomas Strnad, a former rock musician who fellow band members claimed was the unknown pianist, appeared on three Czech television stations to say he had been misrepresented. Two Czech musicians had claimed after seeing photographs in the media that the unknown man was their former fellow rock band member Strnad. More than 1,000 people have responded to an appeal for information that could help identify the pianist, and have suggested about 250 possible names, British police said.
