• 07/08/2006

    The British media have been reporting that English football club Aston Villa have been readying the ground for the departure of Czech striker Milan Baros - in favour of trying to retain the services of Dutch striker Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink. Baros joined Villa last year, but is reportedly not against joining Hamburg, who have made an offer of 8 million pounds for the transfer. Negotiations between the English and German sides are reportedly to continue in the coming week.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 07/08/2006

    Strong storms - including heavy rain and hail - hit parts of the Czech Republic - Pardubice in Central Bohemia, as well as the Moravian region of Olomouc on Friday and Saturday. Friday evening fire fighters dealt with fallen trees and localised flooding in southern Bohemia - specifically the area around Cesky Krumlov.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 07/07/2006

    The lower house has once again failed to elect a new leadership. The centre right coalition's joint candidate for the post of speaker, Jan Kasal of the Christian Democrats, received just 99 votes of 200 on Friday morning. In contrast to last week's vote in which not all members of the Civic Democratic, Christian Democratic and Green Party coalition voted for Miroslava Nemcova of the Civic Democrats, Friday's vote secured the support of all members of the coalition. Civic Democratic MP Milos Patera who is recovering from a stroke was not present. Mr. Kasal's name had been put forward on the understanding that he would hold the post for a temporary period until a political agreement has been reached on the new government.

  • 07/07/2006

    The chairman of the Civic Democratic Party, Mirek Topolanek, has reacted to Friday's vote in the lower house with a proposal to hold a supplementary election in the Czech Republic—one that would elect one additional MP to the Chamber of Deputies. Mr. Topolanek told reporters that the model was used to solve a similar post-election stalemate in Slovenia, where it proved successful. The extra MP would tip the balance that is currently set evenly at 100 seats for the leftist parties, and 100 for the center-right parties combined. Mr. Topolanek has suggested that the lower house have 201 MPs rather than the current 200, a change that would require a constitutional amendment.

  • 07/07/2006

    Meanwhile, the leader of the Social Democrats, Jiri Proubek, has reacted to Friday's unsuccessful vote in the lower house by calling for a caretaker government. According to Mr. Paroubek, the Civic Democrats need to accept a compromise solution to the current government stalemate. Mr. Paroubek says that failure to elect Jan Kasal as the chair of the lower house is akin to last week's failed attempt to elect Miroslava Nemcova of the Civic Democrats to the post. Social Democratic MPs did not vote for either candidate.

    Mr. Paroubek has also rejected the Civic Democrat's offer to have the leader of the lower house be a Social Democrat, in exchange for support for the three-party center-right coalition.

    A poll conducted by the on-line server Novinky indicates that 60% of respondents are against the idea of a caretaker government.

  • 07/07/2006

    The Sokol /or Falcon/ athletics body -a physical exercise organization founded in 1862 during the Czech national revival - has wrapped-up its all-Sokol meeting in Prague. Some 18 thousand gymnasts of all ages from all over the world took part in the week-long event, which culminated with mass gymnastics performances at Strahov stadium on Wednesday and Thursday. The Sokol athletics body is one of the oldest organizations in the world. Its modern era began with its revival after the fall of communism, but even during the dark period of Czech history ex-pats around the world kept its spirit alive. The all-Sokol meeting takes place once in six years.

  • 07/07/2006

    Statistics released by the Czech Interior Ministry show a marked decrease in traffic accident related deaths. Compared to last year when 11 people were killed on roads during the national holidays on July 5th and 6th, this year only one person died in an automobile accident during the holidays. Transport experts credit the change to the Czech Republic's new traffic law which came into effect on July 1st, and imposes strict punishments for traffic offences. A new point system which tabulates traffic offences can result in unsafe drivers losing their licenses.

  • 07/06/2006

    Protestant churches in the Czech Republic are commemorating the legacy of reformer priest Jan Hus who was burnt at the stake in 1415. In his memory July 6th is a national holiday in the Czech Republic. Services dedicated to him have been held in Hussite, Evangelical and other Protestant churches around the country. Jan Hus was born around 1370 and after studying in Prague was made parish priest at the city's Bethlehem chapel. He was strongly influenced by the English reformer priest John Wycliffe, whose writings he translated into Czech. Hus refused to renounce his faith and was declared a heretic and excommunicated by a Catholic tribunal, before being burnt at the stake.

  • 07/06/2006

    The outgoing Czech prime minister and Social Democrat leader Jiri Paroubek has said that he supports Slovakia's new leftist prime minister Robert Fico despite the fact that he has formed a coalition with a far right nationalist party. Mr. Paroubek told reporters he thought the new Slovak government was being unnecessarily demonized and that he planned to write an open letter to the party of European Socialists to try and persuade them not to isolate Slovakia's new prime minister. The Strasbourg-based assembly's Socialist caucus is demanding that Fico's Smer party be excluded from the Party of European Socialists, an umbrella organization for left wing parties in the 25-nation European Union, which Slovakia joined in 2004.

  • 07/06/2006

    Czech environmentalists are warning that a planned techno party would threaten the breeding ground of a protected bird species. The techno party in question is to be held at the end of July at a military training ground in the vicinity of Karlovy Vary. The Czech Environmentalists Association says that the land which the Czech military has offered the organizers as a potential site for the rave is a breading ground for corncrakes - a rare and protected bird species. Since the military has allegedly refused to respond to its warnings, the Czech Environmentalists Association is planning to send a complaint to the European Commission.
