• 02/13/2007

    The Czech police say they have detained a highly organized gang of car thieves operating across several European states. More details will be made available on Wednesday. Roughly 20,000 cars are stolen in the Czech Republic annually. If convicted the ring-leaders could face a sentence of up to nine years.

  • 02/13/2007

    Hospitals in many parts of the Czech Republic are closed to visitors due to an ongoing flu epidemic. South Bohemia and Moravia are said to be the hardest hit but most regions report an average two thousand cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Doctors have warned elderly people to avoid public places and increase their daily intake of vitamins. The epidemic is ascribed to the particularly mild winter which central Europe is experiencing this year.

  • 02/13/2007

    Hygiene officers have uncovered more products contaminated with the listeria bacteria which has already killed 14 people in the Czech Republic. The bacteria has already been found in a variety of soft cheeses, salads and fish and most recently it was uncovered in bacon sold in the Litomerice region. Over 90 people have been taken ill with listeria-poisoning in the past few months and medical experts say children and elderly people are particularly vulnerable. The spread of listeria is said to be the result of poor storage conditions, enhanced by the mild weather.

  • 02/13/2007

    The police have shelved the case concerning the alleged dubious financing of former prime minister Stanislav Gross' flat saying that they have no evidence indicating that he committed a crime. The scandal surrounding Mr. Gross' private finances resulted in a government crisis in 2005 and eventually led to his political downfall. Although Mr. Gross was unable to explain where he had got the money for his luxury flat the police said they found his finances in order and above board.

  • 02/12/2007

    Deputy prime minister, senator and Christian Democrat leader Jiri Cunek has filed a complaint with police regarding bribery charges that have been made against him. A spokesman for the Christian Democrats said on Monday evening the complaint was filed by Mr Cunek's lawyer. Mr Cunek was charged with corruption on Friday. Police suspect him of taking a bribe from a real estate developer when he was mayor of the town of Vsetin five years ago. Earlier Mr Cunek said he would not consider resigning until the state prosecutor's office decided whether or not to proceed with the case. The Senate stripped Mr Cunek of his parliamentary immunity last week.

  • 02/12/2007

    The Czech anti-trust office has announced it has fined nine international engineering companies for being involved in a price cartel between 2001 and 2004. The companies, which include Alstom, Siemens and Toshiba can now appeal against the fine of almost one billion crowns (45 million US dollars). Earlier this year, the European Commission imposed a fine on the companies for the same reason.

  • 02/12/2007

    The Social Democrat Party in the Pilsen region says it will encourage its representatives on the local councils in the region to start discussions about the stationing of a US radar site in their region or even to try and initiate local referenda on the matter. The Social Democrats are demanding a national referendum on the issue but do not have enough votes to push it through in parliament.

  • 02/12/2007

    A second police officer, suspected of selling the photographs of the dead body of composer Karel Svoboda to a tabloid newspaper, has been charged with abuse of office. Police took the photographs after Mr Svoboda committed suicide two weeks ago. The 32-year old officer had been in the police for 15 years. A 22-year old police officer was charged with abuse of office last week, both have been sacked from the police force.

  • 02/12/2007

    President Vaclav Klaus has begun an official visit to Japan. On Wednesday, Mr Klaus and his wife Livia will be received by Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko. During his stay, Mr Klaus is also due to meet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg and a delegation of business people representing 14 Czech companies are accompanying President Klaus on his visit.

  • 02/12/2007

    Czech daily Mlada fronta Dnes reports that former Czech prime minister and central bank governor Josef Tosovsky collaborated with the communist secret police (StB). The paper says Mr Tosovsky had been approached by the StB in 1986 and maintained contacts with them for the next two years. His work for the StB seemed to consist of expert analyses of financial markets and assessing foreign visits to the Czechoslovak State Bank. There is no evidence that Mr Tosovsky's alleged cooperation ever led to anyone being prosecuted by the secret police.
