• 04/10/2007

    President Vaclav Klaus said on Tuesday that the situation around Jiri Cunek was becoming untenable and must be resolved in one way or another. "Either Mr. Cunek is guilty and must leave the Cabinet or the police have made a grave error and must accept responsibility for it," the president said on a visit to Hradec Kralove. President Klaus said that above all the crisis must not be allowed to blow over. He said that if it came to light that the deputy prime minister had been accused unjustly police heads should roll. Mr. Cunek is accused of having accepted a half a million crown bribe while he was still mayor of Vsetin five years ago. He insists that he is innocent of any wrongdoing.

  • 04/10/2007

    In a related development, Roma rights activists are planning to stage a protest outside government headquarters on Wednesday, at a time when the cabinet is expected to be in session. Roma activists have announced their intention to file a joint lawsuit against Mr. Cunek for "inciting hatred against an ethnic group". In an recent interview for the Czech tabloid daily Blesk the deputy prime minister suggested that in order to be entitled to state subsidies like Romanies other people would need to get a suntan and start causing trouble in order to attract politician's attention.

  • 04/10/2007

    The 2007 Frantisek Kriegel Award for civic courage has gone to Ondrej Cakl for his work in monitoring right-wing extremism in the Czech Republic. Ondrej Cakl who works for the Tolerance and Civic Society organization based in Prague has monitored right wing extremism in the country since the 1990s at the risk of his own safety. His work has won the respect of the media and experts on political extremism. The Frantisek Kriegel Award, established in Stockholm, is presented annually by the Charter 77 Foundation. The award bears the name of Charter 77 signatory Frantisek Kriegel, who was the only Czechoslovak political leader who refused to sign Moscow's humiliating dictate after the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia in August of 1968.

  • 04/10/2007

    Unemployment in the Czech Republic fell to 7.3 percent in March from 7.7 in February, the Labour Ministry reported on Tuesday. The March unemployment figure is the lowest since the beginning of 2004. Strong economic growth and the mild winter are believed to be the main factors responsible. European statistics published by Eurostat suggest that the Czech Republic is relatively successful in keeping down unemployment. The so called "harmonized unemployment rate" for February was 6.9 in the Czech Republic, as compared to 12.8 in Poland, 11.6 in Slovakia, 8.5 in Hungary and 7.8 percent in Germany.

  • 04/09/2007

    Social Democrat chairman and former Prime Minister Jiri Paroubek says if the government-proposed package of fiscal reforms fails a vote in parliament it will not necessarily lead to early elections. Speaking in a live debate on Czech Television on Monday, Mr Paroubek said it was not appropriate for the government to speak about early elections only months after it received confidence. He also pointed out that opinion polls do not suggest the ruling Civic Democrats would win if early elections were held this autumn. The current centre-right coalition cabinet had pledged to step down if it fails to push the reforms through.

  • 04/09/2007

    The cabinet minister responsible for minorities and human rights, Dzamila Stehlikova, has said the government will present a policy outline regarding the Roma community in June. A special governmental agency is to start working in the middle of the year assisting municipalities with integration programmes for the Roma. As of September, towns and villages will be able to draw money from European Union funds for their integration programmes.

  • 04/09/2007

    Czech Roma rights activists have decided to file a lawsuit against Deputy Prime Minister and Christian Democrat leader Jiri Cunek over his comments regarding the Roma community. They say his statements might amount to inciting hatred against the ethnic group. In a recent interview for the popular tabloid Blesk, Mr Cunek said that in order to be entitled to state subsidies like Romanies, other people would need to get a suntan, behave in a disorderly way and light fires on town squares before politicians would regard them as badly off.

    Roma rights activists are calling for Mr Cunek's departure from government. They are planning to stage a protest outside the government headquarters in Prague on Wednesday.

  • 04/09/2007

    In related news, Christian Democrat chairman and Deputy Prime Minister Jiri Cunek says he first wants to discuss his further staying in government with his party colleagues on Tuesday and only then debate should start with the other two coalition partners. Mr Cunek, who is facing charges of corruption and also extensive criticism for his comments on the Roma population, made the statement on Czech TV on Monday in response to an earlier statement by Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek who said that Mr Cunek's own Christian Democrats should persuade him to leave the cabinet. The party had earlier backed its leader. In an interview for Saturday's Mlada fronta Dnes, Prime Minister Topolanek said that dismissing Deputy Prime Minister and Regional Development Minister Jiri Cunek was the least desirable option open to him.

  • 04/09/2007

    The Interior Ministry inspectorate is suspecting Interior Minister Ivan Langer of using borrowed mobile phones and SIM cards to make phone calls with members of the anti-organised crime police squad in order to prevent his calls from being monitored. Czech Television which broadcast the report on Sunday says Mr Langer denies the allegation. Ivan Langer's mobile phone number was among several dozen numbers monitored last year in connection with the leaked police report known as the "Kubice report" which suggested there were links between organised crime and the then ruling Social Democrats. The party says that the leak of the report harmed it in the general elections which ended in a narrow victory for the right-of-centre Civic Democrats. In all, 46 phone numbers were monitored during the police operation, some of them belonging to lawyers and also children.

  • 04/09/2007

    A spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry has categorically denied the allegation that the ministry's inspectorate is suspecting Minister Langer of deliberately using other people's phones to talk to detectives from the anti-organised crime unit. She added that "the inspectorate is not investigating Minister Langer and therefore it cannot suspect him of anything."
