• 11/10/2022

    A tram donated to the war-ravaged eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv by the Prague public transport company DPP carried its first load of passengers on Thursday. The Prague transit company recently donated the tram to help Kharkiv compensate for the public transport and infrastucture destroyed by Russian attacks.

    Six buses from Pilsen are already running in the city.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 11/10/2022

    The Office of the President published an open letter to Interior Minister Vít Rakušan on Wednesday in which President Miloš Zeman requests that the ministry should either cancel or thoroughly revise the current system of security checks that are in place at Prague Castle.

    However, the police have recommended keeping the security checks in place for the time being, saying that the castle's position as the seat of the head of state and one of the city's most visited tourist attractions makes it a potentially attractive soft target. They have said that they will repeal the measures as soon as the security situation changes.

    The interior minister said that he was in favour of ending the checks but that Russia’s aggression against Ukraine had put a halt to the process of ending them.

    Security checks were put into place at Prague Castle in 2016 after calls by President Zeman to do so for fear of a possible terrorist attack.

  • 11/10/2022

    Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said on Wednesday that the border controls with Slovakia, which were reinstated in reaction to a new route for illegal migrants, are working. This follows Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger’s earlier statement that the current situation on the Czech side of the border with his country cannot continue. Mr Heger argues that the border checks are interfering with the Schengen Area free movement rules.

    Czechia introduced the border controls with Slovakia at the end of September and, according to Mr Fiala, have weakened the migration route. He also said that the Czech crackdown has led to other states paying increased attention to the migrant route issue.

    The two heads of government will meet on Thursday evening. Czechia’s Interior Minister Vít Rakušan said on Wednesday that he doesn’t expect the meeting will lead to an immediate end to the ongoing border checks.

  • 11/09/2022

    The government has approved a new CZK 54 billion programme of the EU’s Modernisation Fund called HOUSEnerg, which is aimed at supporting measures to save energy in family homes and flats across Czechia, acting Environment Minister Marian Jurečka said on Wednesday.

    The change was already approved in October by the European Investment Bank. The money for the programme has already been allocated, the Czech News Agency reports.

    In practice, HOUSEnerg is supposed to cover the already operating New Green Savings Programme of the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic. Subsidies such as these are used to help people fund the insulating of their houses, photovoltaics, heat pump or biomass boiler purchases.

  • 11/09/2022

    Prime Minister Petr Fiala said on Wednesday that the government is suggesting to scrap more than 10,000 laws, regulations and decrees that are still formally valid but no longer in use. The proposal, which will now be debated in Parliament, is an attempt at “simplifying the law code”, Mr Fiala said.

    The excess number of decrees are apparently also becoming a hindrance for the Interior Ministry’s eSbírka electronic database of laws. The ministry, which came up with the proposal, stated that one of the main issues is that it is often difficult to clarify which decrees are still legal and which not.

  • 11/09/2022

    The Czech government approved an amendment to the current Energy Act which would give the state power to issue maximum prices for energy, Czech Television reported on Wednesday.

    The cabinet also discussed the current form of the State Energy Policy, with the Ministry of Industry and Trade stating that it hopes to include some of the recent changes in Czech energy legislature into the document. The aim of these changes would be to specify certain targets and indicators within the document. The ministry also want to encourage communal energy sharing, which it hopes would make it easier for households, municipalities and companies to produce their own energy, mainly from renewable sources.

    An amendment to the current law on electronic communications, that seeks to adjust tariff discounts for socially disadvantaged people, as well as the option to prioritise energy supplies for trains in extraordinary situations were also discussed at the Wednesday meeting.

  • 11/09/2022

    This year’s Czech Architecture Award was given to Jiří a Barbora Weinzettl for how they designed their own family home, Kozina House, in the South Bohemian town of Trhové Sviny. The couple of architects, who both work in the company Atelier 111, was praised by the jury for utilising the potential in terms of the relationship between city and countryside.

    It is not the first time that architects from Atelier 111 were highlighted by the jury. The studio’s work was placed three times among the list of finalists over the past three years.

  • 11/09/2022

    Thursday is expected to see temperatures range around 12 degrees Celsius with only partially overcast skies.

  • 11/09/2022

    Czechia supports Georgia’s aspirations to become a member of the European union, but the country needs to work on enacting internal reforms as well as on fulfilling the 12 criteria set out by the EU in order to receive candidate status, Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said on Wednesday, ahead of his trip to Tbilisi. “What I am emphasizing to the Georgian side is the need to have fair political processes and to ensure that the overall direction of Georgia is pro-European and transatlantic," he said.

    Mr Lipavsky’s two-day visit of Georgia will include meetings with the country’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibasvhili as well as with Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili. He will also pay his respects to soldiers who lost their lives defending Georgia between 1991 and 1993 in Tbilisi.

  • 11/09/2022

    More than two-thirds Czechs are in favour of introducing a deposit system for plastic bottles (74 percent) and cans (70 percent), according to the results of a survey conducted by the Ipsos agency for the Deposits Initiative (Iniciativa pro zálohování).

    However, around 80 percent of respondents also said that introducing a deposit system would not change their habits when it comes to the number of cans and bottles they purchase.

    The ideal deposit price would be CZK 4, according to the survey results.
