• 05/09/2023

    Czech police are investigating a case of vandalism in the town of Děčín in Northern Bohemia, the Czech News Agency reported on Monday. Two red “Z” letters were sprayed onto a memorial to Red Army soldiers who fought in World War Two, which lies within the premises of the town’s Folknáře cemetery.

    The incident most likely occurred overnight before Monday, May 8, which is traditionally celebrated as Victory Day in Czechia. The mayor of the town, Jiří Anděl, said that criminal charges have been issued against the culprit, who still remains unknown. He said that the letters were covered during the commemoration on Monday and that they will be washed away soon.

  • 05/08/2023

    Senate Speaker Miloš Vystrčil, Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský and members of the Sokol organisation were among those who gathered on Monday to commemorate the end of the Second World War and the liberation of Czechoslovakia at the Red Army memorial at Prague’s Olšany Cemetery on Monday.

    Ukraine was also represented. Namely by its chargé d'affaires to Czechia, Vitaliy Usaty, who noted that there are also many Ukrainian soldiers among the Red Army combatants who lay buried at the cemetery. He also likened the politics of contemporary Russia to fascism.

    Both Mr Usaty and Mr Vystrčil also drew parallels with the contemporary situation to that faced by Europe during the Munich Agreement in 1938, which saw the continent’s great powers pressure Czechoslovakia to cede territory to Nazi Germany, stating that concessions must not be made to an aggressor again.

    Foreign Minister Lipavský said that Vladimir Putin’s Russia is claiming the victory over Nazi Germany as its own and thus justifying its own aggressive imperial policies.

  • 05/08/2023

    Hundreds of people gathered on Monday to watch a column of around 30 World War II era US Army vehicles drive through the town of Hořice in the Pardubice Region, the Czech News Agency reports.

    The event was part the so-called Velichovky Mission, which, since 1997, has been commemorating both the end of the Second World War and the trip taken by a convoy of the 23rd reconnaissance squadron of General George Patton’s 3rd Army to the spa town of Velichovky, where they transported a captured German colonel to tell the commander of Germany’s Army Group Centre, Ferdinand Schörner, that the war was over. After negotiating his capitulation, the column returned to Plzeň in Western Bohemia, which was being controlled by the Americans at the time.

  • 05/08/2023

    Acclaimed Czech mezzosopranist Soňa Červená has died at the age of 97, Czech Television reported on Monday citing representatives of the National Theatre in Prague.

    Born in 1925, Červená dated the start of her career back to the times of the so-called interwar avant-garde Prague Free Theatre (Osvobozené divadlo) period, during which she performed alongside the famous dramatists Jiří Voskovec and Jan Werich. She would go on to perform with famous actors such as the comic Vlasta Burian before becoming an opera singer in Brno and then performing at the National Theatre in Prague during the 1950s. Červená’s family was persecuted by both the Nazis and the Communists. She emigrated to Berlin in 1958 and would go on to work as a performer at the Berlin State Opera and the opera house in Frankfurt until the 1990s. She would also perform regularly in the United States.

    Červená received Czechia’s prestigious Thalia Award in 2004 and performed at the National Theatre in Prague as late as 2010, when she was in her mid-80s.

  • 05/08/2023

    Tuesday is expected to see largely sunny weather with temperatures ranging around 17 degrees Celsius.

  • 05/08/2023

    The head of Czechia’s civilian counter-intelligence service BIS, Michal Koudelka, was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General on Monday by the country’s president Petr Pavel.

    The promotion comes after multiple years of stalling by the previous president, Miloš Zeman, who refused to follow government recommendations to raise his rank no fewer than seven times. This despite General Koudelka being recognised for several successful operations and receiving the George Tenet award from the CIA.

  • 05/08/2023

    The number of illegal border crossings by migrants is not high enough to necessitate the establishment of border checks within the Schengen Area, Prime Minister Petr Fiala said on Monday. Instead, he believes that it is necessary to focus on stoping specific migration routes and on adjusting policies that are in place when it comes to returning migrants to their home countries.

    The statement comes after recent calls for the setting up of border checks by interior ministers from the states of Saxony and Brandenburg in neighbouring Germany.

  • 05/08/2023

    Vesna, the Czech girl group representing Czechia at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool, is one of the favourites to win according to both BBC News and the Spotify streaming platform.

    My Sister’s Crown, the song with which Vesna will be competing at the semi-finals on Tuesday, is currently the 11th most popular song on Spotify when compared to others that will be featured at this year’s Eurovision, the Czech News Agency reported on Monday. Meanwhile, the BBC writes that Vesna has a chance to break into the top 10.

    Thus far, the most successful Czech contestant at Eurovision was the singer Mikolas Josef, who ended sixth in 2018.

  • 05/08/2023

    Czechia’s President Petr Pavel and other leading state representatives honoured the victims of the Second World War at Prague’s Vítkov memorial on Monday on the occasion of the anniversary of the end of the war in Europe, celebrated in Czechia as Victory Day,

    In his speech, the president compared the conflict to the ongoing war in Ukraine, highlighting that he was proud Czechia has been providing Ukraine with significant levels of support from the start. He also pointed out that the Soviet soldiers who fought in the Second World War do not carry any responsibility for the contemporary Russian state, but warned that the tradition of commemorating the fallen should not be abused by those who spread Russian propaganda.

    Also speaking at Vítkov, a memorial that dates back to the interwar First Republic and features the largest state of a rider in Europe, Prime Minister Petr Fiala said that Czechia should continue to support Ukraine and show Russia that aggression is not an option.

    Aside from leading state officials the commemorative event on Vítkov was attended by church and veteran organisation representatives, as well as members of the wider public. Wreaths were laid at the symbolic tomb of the unknown soldier by the president, prime minister and the heads of both chambers of parliament.

    Commemoratory events are taking place across the country on May 8, which is also a bank holliday in Czechia. .

  • 05/07/2023

    Kenyan Alexander Mutiso won the 2023 Prague Marathon with a time of 2:05:09. The fastest woman on the course was Ethiopian Workenesh Edesa who crossed the finishing line in 2:20:42. Since its inception in 1995, the men's race has been dominated by East African runners, with Kenyan athletes in particular winning 13 titles alone. The first Czech runner to cross the finishing line was Vít Pavlišta who covered the 42km distance in 2:19:14.
