• 08/14/2023

    Doctors are reporting an unprecedented number of cases of acute tonsillitis in children, news site Deník N wrote on Monday. The main reason is reportedly a nationwide shortage of penicillin, due to which less suitable antibiotics are being used to treat patients.

    A big reason for the penicillin shortage is that a key manufacturer of the drug has stopped deliveries to the Czech Republic due to its low price on the market. The situation is unlikely to improve in the near future, but according to the Ministry of Health, there is still time to solve the problem until October.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 08/14/2023

    July in the Czech Republic this year was the eighth warmest since 1961, when national temperature averages started being calculated, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute announced on its website on Monday. The monthly nationwide average temperature was 19.6 degrees Celsius, 1.3 degrees higher than the average from 1991 to 2020.

    The hottest day was July 15, when the maximum temperature exceeded 35 degrees Celsius at more than 70 measuring stations and the monthly average temperature in the country was more than seven degrees above the aforementioned 30-year average.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 08/14/2023

    The Supreme Audit Office says that between 2019 and 2012 the Ministry of Health divided CZK 4.8 billion between three Czech teaching hospitals without any controls over how the money was used.

    Officials said that some hospitals had mishandled funding aimed at reducing their debts, breaching established directives.

    The findings appear in a Supreme Audit Office report published on Monday and quoted by the Czech News Agency.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 08/14/2023

    President Petr Pavel says he has been disquieted by recent violent attacks on young women in Plzeň and Prague but also warned against the misuse of fear for political ends. In social media posts on Sunday evening he sympathized with the victims and their families and praised the police for apprehending suspects in both cases.

    According to unofficial information the perpetrators were both Ukrainian citizens.

    Mr. Pavel said the same rules must apply to all, adding that Czech history had seen cases where the concept of collective guilt had led to tragic consequences.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 08/13/2023

    The minister of the interior, Vít Rakušan, says that despite a rise in the number of foreigners living in Czechia there has been practically no increase in the number of crimes attributed to non-nationals.

    Mr. Rakušan made the comment at a news conference on Sunday, days after the arrest of an 18-year-old in Plzeň on charges of rape and attempted murder.

    The minister said that he understood the nervousness caused by this and other cases linked to foreigners. However, these have been the acts of individuals and there is no place for collective guilt, he said.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 08/13/2023

    Some 646 kilogrammes of cocaine were discovered in a distribution centre of supermarket chain Albert at Klecany near Prague on Saturday. The drugs had an estimated street value of around CZK 2 billion, or nearly EUR 83 million, a spokesperson for the police’s drug unit told the website of TV Nova on Sunday.

    Staff at the distribution centre found the cocaine in boxes containing bananas and reported the matter to the police. The consignment had come from Equador via Amsterdam and ended up in Czechia by mistake, the police spokesperson said.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 08/13/2023

    Jewish historical landmarks around Czechia that are normally closed to the public have held special open days on Sunday. Some 55 sites that are usually shut or have been renovated in recent years welcomed visitors during the sixth edition of the Day of Jewish Historical Landmarks.

    The places have included a synagogue in Časlav and Jewish cemeteries in Litomyšl, Kolín and Polná. The only landmark opened in Prague has been the Jerusalem Synagogue.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 08/13/2023

    Events are being planned for the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Czech composer Bedřich Smetana next year. The project Smetana 200 will be held within the nationwide Year of Czech Music in 2024 and will include orchestras, theatres, festivals and other Czech cultural institutions, the Czech News Agency reported on Sunday.

    The government has set aside CZK 200 million for the Smetana celebrations, in which the cities and towns where the composer spent time are planning special programmes.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 08/13/2023

    It should be mainly overcast in Czechia on Monday, with an average high temperature of 29 degrees Celsius. Similar temperatures are expected on the following days.

  • 08/13/2023

    If Czechia decides to buy US F-35 jets in October the Czech Ministry of Defence plans to require pilots and ground crew would come into contact with the planes to sign lifetime non-disclosure agreements, Novinky.cz reported.

    The news site said that the planned NDAs had surprised some experts in the field. Czech law allows for such a requirement, but it would be superfluous given that soldiers are already bound by military secrecy. The deal to buy the jets would be worth around CZK 120 billion.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
