• 01/10/2024

    Jiří Kobza, an MP for the Freedom and Direct Democracy Party, who suggested in a post on social networks that the Faculty of Arts had only itself to blame for the tragic shooting on its premises because it has “molded the student responsible for the attack” has publicly apologized for the comment. He published the apology shortly after the rector of Charles University, Milena Kralíčkova, announced that the faculty would sue him for slander.

    Just hours after the tragedy, Kobza wrote on social networks that the Faculty of Arts should take the blame for having helped mold the shooter by the “inclusive progressive education”  it provided, which he said "begged the question what kind of indoctrination program of hate was being taught there".

    In a joint statement the rectors of Czech universities said they consider the post to be “absolutely shocking, crossing the boundaries of decency, morality and good taste."

    In his apology Kobza said he had been in a highly emotional state when he posted the comment.

  • 01/10/2024

    The Christian Democratic Party leadership has endorsed Marian Jurečka in a secret ballot as party chair and labour minister, taking into account his performance in office. The labour minister, who is under fire for holding a Christmas party at the ministry on the night of the tragic shooting at the Prague Faculty of Arts, received backing from 25 out of 30 party representatives. Prime Minister Petr Fiala on Tuesday also threw his weight behind Mr. Jurečka, saying he had made an error in judgment, apologized for it and with that he considered the matter closed.

  • 01/09/2024

    An internal check into the police response to the shooting at the Prague Faculty of Arts concluded that the police intervention was “fast, professional and fully in line with internal regulations”, the head of the internal investigations unit Michal Tikovský said at a press briefing in Prague. He said the professional response to the crisis had saved lives and confirmed that it had not been possible to gun down the attacker from his position on the roof of the building. However he said crisis communication could have been better, pointing out that the faculty and university management was not informed immediately about the danger.

  • 01/09/2024

    Wednesday should be bright and clear with early morning temperatures as low as – 11 degrees Celsius and daytime highs between 0 and -4 degrees Celsius.

  • 01/09/2024

    Czech banks have started cutting interest rates on savings accounts in reaction to the Czech National Bank's decision to cut the base rate by a quarter of a percentage point to 6.75 per cent in December, Czech Television reported. Interest rates are currently between 2.0 and 6.25 per cent. But from the end of January they will fall on most savings accounts, the repoirt said. For example, Česká Spořitelna, the bank with the largest number of clients, will reduce the base rate from 4.0 to 3.5 percent.

  • 01/09/2024

    Czech psychiatrists have taken a strong stand against the proposed introduction of mandatory mental tests for weapons holders. The proposal was floated by MPs in the lower house when it emerged that the gunman who shot 14 people and injured 25 at the Prague Faculty of Arts had been treated for mental problems. The Association of Czech Psychiatrists said the country does not have enough psychiatrists to provide such as service and moreover voiced the opinion that mandatory mental tests for weapons holders would not prevent similar tragedies in the future.

  • 01/09/2024

    Prime Minister Petr Fiala has left on a working visit to India aimed at strengthening bilateral ties and tapping new opportunities in business and trade. Ahead of his departure the prime minister said cooperation in innovation and applied research offered considerable potential, adding that the two sides would be signing an agreement on a strategic partnership in innovation and trade.

    In the course of the next two days, Mr. Fiala will meet with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, deliver a speech at the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit economic forum, as well as visit Jaipur University and hold talks with representatives of the local government and the business community. Prime Ministrer Fiala said India is a rapidly developing market and presents great opportunities for Czechia.

  • 01/09/2024

    Aleš Loprais, Jaroslav Valtr Jr., and Jiří Stross won the third stage of the Dakar Rally coming in by four minutes ahead of Martin Macík Jr. and over 16 minutes ahead of Janus van Kasteren in third position. The Dutch crew, who was victorious last year, dropped to second place in the overall standings, with Loprais taking the lead.

  • 01/09/2024

    Prime Minister Petr Fiala has thrown his weight behind the embattled Labour Minister Marian Jurečka who has come under pressure to resign because he did not cancel a Christmas party held at the ministry on the night of tragic shooting at Charles University and himself attended it until the late night hours. “Mr. Jurečka made an error in judgement, but he regrets the mistake and has since apologized,” Prime Minister Fiala said at a press briefing on Tuesday before departing for a working visit to India. The prime minister added that he thinks this was the right way to handle things and thus considers the matter closed. The Christian Democratic Party is to meet on Tuesday evening to take a stand on the matter.

    In answer to a question from a journalist about whether the labour minister would receive a "yellow card" for his actions, as Justice Minister Pavel Blažek did for his meeting with controversial political lobbyist Martin Nejedlý last year, Mr. Fiala responded that that was an error "of a different magnitude".

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 01/09/2024

    A Czech-Slovak archaeological team has discovered an almost 3,000-year-old Mayan city in northern Guatemala, a press release by the Neuron Foundation, which financially supported the expedition, revealed on Tuesday. Among the things the team found during the seven-week expedition were remains of palaces, statues, and astronomical observatories. The city, named Yax Balam (First Jaguar) by the archaeologists, was spread over an area of more than seven square kilometers and was the centre of the region for about a thousand years, flourishing between 850 BC and 150 AD.

    Author: Anna Fodor
