• 03/06/2024

    This year Prague saw one of its warmest winters in the past 250 years, the Czech Hydro-Meteorological Institute reported on Wednesday.

    Between the start of December and end of February, the oldest Czech meteorological station at Prague’s Klementinum recorded an average temperature of 5.1 degrees Celsius, which is 2.8 degrees higher than the long-term average.

    This makes it the second warmest winter since measuring began at the station 1775, along with the winter of 2020. Above-average temperatures were mainly recorded in February, which was the warmest on record with an average of 8.1 degrees Celsius.

    So far the warmest winter on record was in 2006, with an average temperature of 5.8 degrees Celsius. The coldest winter recorded was in 1829 with an average temperature of -6.1 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 03/06/2024

    One in seven LGBTQ+ people in Czechia have experienced some type of discrimination at work, according to a study produced by Europe in Data and cited by the Czech News Agency on Wednesday.

    The most common type of abuse were verbal attacks, but also threats of physical or sexual violence. In total, 50,000 Czechs have experienced discrimination in employment, according to Eurostat data, with women being more likely to be discriminated against.

    A poll by Eurobarometer, carried out in December, suggests that approximately one in seven Czechs, or 14 percent, would be bothered by having a transgender or intersex person in their work team, while 77 percent wouldn’t find it a problem.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 03/06/2024

    Some 62 percent of restaurants and pubs in Czechia increased the price of draft beer in reaction to the increase in VAT rates on drinks and food, according to a survey conducted by Plzeňský Prazdroj among 3,400 pubs in Czechia. According to the survey results, released on Wednesday, the price of beer on tap increased by an average of CZK 2.80 per pint.

    The remaining 38 percent of pubs and restaurants have not yet increased prices, mainly because of fears of losing customers. Starting this year, the value added tax on draught beer and soft drinks went from 10 to 21 percent. A pint of draught beer currently costs between CZK 50 and 60.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 03/06/2024

    The Senate on Wednesday approved stricter rules against money laundering, extending the range of entities that will have to vet their clients for possible money laundering to include insolvency administrators, restructuring administrators and operators of online lotteries and online bingo.

    The amendment, which now has to be signed by the president, also imposes the obligation to vet clients of precious metal traders. In addition, the amendment increases the upper limit of the fine imposed on individuals for failure to check an institution subject to the law to CZK one million.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 03/06/2024

    Six new pumped-storage hydroelectric power plants could be built in Czechia, Czech Television reported. The ministries of the environment and agriculture have presented a list of the most suitable sites for the plants, comprising Orlík, Slapy, Pastviny, Libochovany, Vinice and Slezská Harta.

    The construction would cost tens of billions of crowns and the new facilities would double the current output of pumped-storage power plants, the minister of the environment, Petr Hladík, said.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 03/06/2024

    The Czech poet, lyricist, musician and artist Pavel Zajíček has died at the age of 72. One of the most important figures in Czechoslovak independent culture in the 1970s, he was perhaps best known for his work as the front man of the group DG 307, which he founded with Milan “Mejla” Hlavsa.

    Zajíček was jailed for a year in the 1976 trial of members of the Plastic People of the Universe and associates of the underground band. He was later forced into exile, settling in Sweden before moving to New York.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 03/05/2024

    The Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala and the French President Emmanuel Macron signed a strategic partnership action plan during a visit by the latter to Prague on Tuesday. The document is focused on European and foreign policy, security and defence, migration, trade, social affairs, science and culture and is valid until 2028.

    The action plan refers to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as illegal and unprovoked armed aggression.

    In the document the two states declare that they have long-standing good relations based on shared values and similar or identical foreign policy interests.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 03/05/2024

    It should be mainly overcast in Czechia on Wednesday, with an average high temperature of 9 degrees Celsius. The following days are expected to see clear skies.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 03/05/2024

    Prague Zoo is set to transport rare Przewalski horses to Kazakhstan at the beginning of June, the zoo’s director, Miroslav Bobek, told reporters on Tuesday. It will deliver three stallions and five mares which are currently located in Prague and Berlin, Mr. Bobek said. The operation will be carried out under the auspices of Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala.

    Over the next five years around 40 Przewalski horses will be transported to the Altyn Dala steppe as part of an effort to restore a population of the animals in the wild.

    Prague Zoo has been breeding the horses since the 1930s.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 03/05/2024

    West Ham United defender Vladimír Coufal is set to return to the Czech national team after clear the air talks with new coach Ivan Hašek. In an interview for Canal+ Sport, Coufal said he had spoken to Hašek in London after a game against Brentford.

    The defender was one of three players sent home from the Czech national squad during qualifiers for Euro 2024 in November after attending a night club in Olomouc.
