• 03/17/2024

    Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan has been fined CZK 1 500 for riding in the passenger seat of a car without wearing a seat belt. Rakušan committed the offence while on his way to a debate in Vyškov and posted a video of himself in the car on the social network X. He later apologized and said he was ready to pay the fine.

  • 03/17/2024

    Monday should be partly cloudy and mostly dry with day temperatures between 6 and 10 degrees Celsius.

  • 03/17/2024

    Several dozen Russian nationals took part in a protest against Russian President Vladimir Putin on Prague's Wenceslas Square on Sunday, the final day of the Russian presidential elections. According to the organizer Anton Litvin, the protest took place as a show of solidarity with the Russian opposition and aimed to show the public that Russians in Prague stand against Putin and support Ukraine in its defense against the Russian aggression. Over 1,600 Russian nationals cast their ballot in the elections at the Russian embassy in Prague on Friday.

  • 03/17/2024

    There is a growing interest in educational programs abroad. According to the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research, over 1, 400 schools and organizations have applied for the Erasmus Plus program this year. That is the highest number since the program's launch in the Czech Republic. Last year alone, over twenty-five thousand people took part in educational programs abroad thanks to the EU project. One fifth more schools have applied for the opportunity to send their students abroad this year. Institutions educating adults, such as libraries and museums, submitted about forty percent more applications. And there has also been an increase in interest from organizations such as scout groups and children's homes.

  • 03/17/2024

    The Brno Exhibition Centre is featuring an exhibition on space missions. There are over 200 artefacts on display on a space of over 3,500 square meters. Many of them are originals on loan from NASA that have actually been in space. The Space Mission is a travelling exhibition, which came to Czechia from Barcelona and will next head to Asia. It is intended for adults and children alike and will run until September 1.

  • 03/17/2024

    Dozens of people gathered at the Vaclav Havel piazzetta outside the National Theatre in Prague on Saturday evening to mark two years since the Russian attack on the theatre in Mariupol in which many children lost their lives. They formed a sign reading "children", such as the one that appeared on the roof of the Ukrainian theatre when the Russians attacked, and placed candles on the letters. The Russian airstrike hit the theatre in the centre of Mariupol, where about 1,000 people were sheltering. Hundreds of them lost their lives. The commemorative event in Prague was organized by the Czech-Ukrainian initiative Voice of Ukraine.

  • 03/17/2024

    The Czech army has transported three Czech humanitarian workers who suffered serious injuries in a traffic accident in Ukraine from Poland to Prague, the Czech Press Agency reported. The three volunteers from Team4Ukraine were injured in an accident while on a mission to deliver aid to Ukrainian troops in Zaporozhye. They were brought back on a military Casa plane and transported to the Prague Military Hospital. Defense ministry spokesman David Polák said the ministry was not authorized to comment on the health condition of the injured nationals, but confirmed that their condition is not life-threatening.

  • 03/16/2024

    Sunday should be partly cloudy and mostly dry with day temperatures between 8 and 12 degrees Celsius.

  • 03/16/2024

    Former president Miloš Zeman remains in intensive care in Prague’s Motol Hospital following surgery earlier this week. His condition is serious but stable and is not deteriorating, hospital spokeswoman Pavlína Danková said on Saturday. A team of specialist will assess his condition on Monday to decide when it will be possible to move him from intensive care to a standard bed. Miloš Zeman underwent surgery due to a blood clot in his leg, a problem that doctors say is related to his diabetes. Miloš Zeman (79) is a leading Czech political figure. He headed several Czech governments and served as president from 2013 to 2023.

  • 03/16/2024

    A sculpture in memory of the Lidice children killed in the Nazi punitive action that destroyed the town in WWII is in need of restoration due to damage caused by time and weather. The Lidice Memorial has announced a collection to help finance the project. The aim is to raise CZK 13 million. When the money is available the damaged statues will be thoroughly cleaned and restored by experts. According to Eduard Stehlík, director of the Lidice Memorial, the restoration process will fully respect the original sculpture by Marie Uchytilova.
