News Sunday, SEPTEMBER 05th, 1999

Those were the headlines and now the news in more detail:

Moravia Banka clients worried

It has been another day of uncertainty for the clients of Moravia Bank. The institution closed its doors to the public on Friday following an announcement that the Czech National Bank intended to revoke its license. Ever since people have been crowding the entrance demanding to talk to the management. Individuals' accounts are only insured up to a limit, which means that clients should get 90% of their savings but no more than 400,000 crowns. There are already broken windows and some people are threatening to file law suits. The bank has 120, 000 accounts.

Hidden Children meet in Prague

Six hundred Jews who survived the Holocaust as children have gathered in Prague for the Twelfth World Conference co-organized by the Hidden Child Foundation and Hidden Child Praha. These gatherings date back to 1991 when the first 1,600 hidden children emerged from their own silence to let out some of the anguish and tell the world of the horrors they lived through. The Hidden Child Foundation acts as a support group and many of the work-shops such as " I was not meant to be born" , "the guilt of surviving" or 'memories of the camp" are closed not only to the press but also to the families of survivors. The Hidden Child Foundation has a membership of 6,000. This is the first time that their conference has taken place in Prague.

Archeologists uncover burial site

Archeologists working in the Moravian town of Olomouc have unearthed an unexpectedly large burial site dating back to the 11th and 12th centuries. The graves are on three different levels and their number suggests that the burial site was used for at least 120 years. The bronze rings , earrings and glass jewelry found point to the 11th and twelfth centuries. The team working on the site have also unearthed what appears to be the foundations of a church. Dragon Boat Race on the Vltava Hundreds of people swarmed the banks of the Vltava on Saturday to catch a glimpse of the Dragon Boat Race. This second annual race was organized by the Prague Dragon Club and commenced with a colourful ceremony aimed at "waking the dragon" gently so that he would be in a benevolent mood. According to the organizers , last year he was awoken too abruptly, turned grumpy and sent torrents of rain on the race. This year all went well, the dragon was happy, the sun shone and contestants from Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and of course the Czech Republic raced their dragon boats to the finishing line . The winners of Saturday's two races will compete against each other in the main race on Sunday for the Prague Dragon Boat Trophy. The tradition of dragon boat racing is two thousand years old and comes from China.


On Sunday, morning fog should give way to fairly clear skies with day temps between 21 and 25 degs C. Nighttime lows between 12 and 8 degs C.