News Sunday, JULY 09th, 2000

Those were the headlines and now the news in more detail

Anti-nuclear protesters camp outside Temelin's gates

Environment activists are making a last ditch effort to prevent the launching of the Temelin nuclear power plant in southern Bohemia. The number of anti- nuclear protesters camping out outside Temelin's main gate swelled to around 100 over the weekend as environment activists visited nearby towns and villages to collect more signatures in favour of a national referendum on the nuclear power plant. Meanwhile, on the other side of the iron fence, the process of loading one of the reactors with nuclear fuel continued. The plant is being prepared for trial operation which could be launched in a matter of weeks.

Temelin - Austria - Germany - protests

The news of the fuel-loading operation, which is taking place earlier than scheduled, has evoked sharp criticism from neighbouring Austria and Germany. The Austrian government, which only days ago asked to be represented at the final stage of decision making regarding Temelin's launching, has expressed grave concern regarding the latest turn of events. In an official note to the Czech foreign ministry it pointed out that given the plant's proximity to Austria's border Austria had a right to demand certain guarantees regarding nuclear safety. The German environment minister Jurgen Trittin has sent his Czech counterpart a similar protest note saying that the speed with which the plant was being prepared for trial operation was disconcerting and went against German security interests.

35th Karlovy Vary Film Festival underway

The renown Czech spa town of Karlovy Vary is bursting at the seams, having accommodated over ten thousand visitors to the 35th annual Karlovy Vary Film Festival. The festival' s organizers say the interest in this years festival –both from professionals and amateurs – is huge and they are struggling to satisfy viewer-interest. Projection halls are packed and visitors see five or six films a day in order to make the most of it. This weekend alone there are over 100 film screenings to choose from. Among the many actors and movie-directors present are American director Milton Ginsberg, Norwegian director Hans Moland , British actor Julian Sands, American actor Woody Harrelson, Italian actor Franco Nero and Spanish actor Carlos Saura.

President buys summer residence in Portugal

President Havel has bought a summer holiday residence in Portugal. This was confirmed by the President himself who said in an interview for Czech Radio that he was enchanted by the country-side and that the Portuguese climate was highly recommended by his doctors. "It is an ideal place to relax, read and possibly write and once my term in office expires I hope to spend many long months in Portugal doing just that " the president confided. The President and First Lady are planning to spend a fortnight in their new summer residence this August.

Finally a quick look at the weather:

Sunday should bring more gray skies and drizzle across most of the Czech Republic. It's also likely to be a fairly windy day with temp between 16 and 20 degs C. Nighttime lows between 8 and 12 degs C.