News of Radio Prague

Czech politicians welcome outcome of Slovak elections

Politicians in the Czech Republic have welcomed the results of the elections in neighbouring Slovakia, which were a victory for the governing pro-European parties and a defeat for the nationalist former prime minister Vladimir Meciar. Mr Meciar's party won the highest number of seats, but he remains isolated and looks unable to form a government. The Czech President Vaclav Havel said the elections proved that Slovakia wanted a reform-minded government to lead the country into NATO and the EU. Czechoslovakia split in 1993, and Slovakia soon fell behind under Mr Meciar's authoritarian rule.

Deputy PM: if coalition collapses, CSSD will seek Communist support

A deputy prime minister in the Social Democrat government has said if the present centre-left coalition falls, his party will include the Communist Party in talks on support for a minority government. Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Rychetsky said if the coalition was brought down by the right-of-centre Freedom Union, the Social Democrats would look for support among all parties in parliament, including the Communists. The Social Democrats passed a resolution several years ago banning co-operation with the Communists at national government level.

Renumbering of country's eleven million phones goes smoothly

The Czech Republic's fixed-line and mobile phone operators say the renumbering of the country's eleven million telephone numbers went smoothly on Saturday evening, with no major problems reported. All fixed-line numbers in the Czech Republic now consist of nine digits, with the area code incorporated in the number and the zero dropped. There is no change for calling the Czech Republic from abroad - all numbers remain the same.

Governor of North Moravia to challenge Klaus for party leadership

The governor of the North Moravia and Silesia region, Evzen Tosenovsky, has said he will challenge Vaclav Klaus for the leadership of the right-of-centre Civic Democrats at the party's national conference in December. Mr Tosenovsky said his candidature was a reaction to the party's poor showing at the June elections. Mr Klaus, prime minister in successive right-wing governments until 1997, came under pressure to resign as party leader following the elections, and said he would offer up his post at the party conference. Mr Tosenovsky is the first Civic Democrat member to say openly he will challenge Mr Klaus for the leadership.

Svoboda, Ferrero-Waldner to capitalise on post-flood solidarity

Foreign Minister Cyril Svoboda is to meet his Austrian counterpart Benita Ferrero-Waldner for talks next Tuesday in South Bohemia. Mr Svoboda said recently that relations between the two countries had improved enormously, due to the solidarity shown between Czechs and Austrians during the recent catastrophic floods. The two ministers will tour the towns of Cesky Krumlov, Ceske Budejovice and Trebon, all of which suffered extensive damage during the floods.

Two hundred attend anti-war demonstration in Prague

Around 200 people attended an anti-war demonstration in Prague on Saturday, organised by anarchist and far-left groups. Demonstrators listened to speeches against the forthcoming NATO summit in Prague. Police said the demonstration was peaceful, although two people were arrested for minor offences.

Weather forecast

Monday will be another cool and cloudy day, with rain and showers in places. Temperatures in the daytime will range from 10 to 14 degrees Celsius, falling at night to lows of four degrees.