News of Radio Prague

CSA pilots threaten Friday strike over new overtime regulations

Pilots at the Czech Republic's national carrier, Czech Airlines, have threatened to go on strike on Friday over new regulations governing overtime and other conditions. Pilots' union leader Dusan Horak told reporters that he still hoped the strike would be avoided, but said that talks with the airline's management had broken down and there was no alternative. Mr Horak said an amendment to the country's Labour Code had led to mistakes in the calculation of overtime, and that many pilots had not been paid fully as a result. The airline's management have said they were only acting according to the new regulations.

Police to return to village after unearthing new clues in missing children case

Police will return to comb the Nesovice area of South Moravia on Thursday, after receiving fresh clues in the search for two local children missing since the beginning of August. A police spokesman refused to give any further details. Ten-year-old Jan Vosmansky and his 12-year-old sister Dagmar were reported missing on August 3rd, four days after leaving the nearby city of Brno with their Belgian brother-in-law for a tour of local castles. The search was intensified following the discovery of the man's body near his abandoned car. Police say the man, named as Stephan Knaepen, had committed suicide. There was no trace of the two children.

Brno detectives arrive in Prague for to co-ordinate gruesome inquiry

A team of detectives from Brno has arrived in Prague, as the investigation continues into the discovery of human body parts in two package sent from Prague to Brno. An autopsy performed at the weekend failed to determine whether the victim of the crime was a man or woman. The packages, labelled with fictitious addresses, were opened by Brno post office employees last week. They contained a badly decomposed severed arm and leg, plus other unspecified body parts. Police have ruled out any connection with the missing children case, saying the body parts belonged to an adult or adolescent.

Czech government discuss sending beef to Serb refugee camps

The Czech government is discussing a plan to donate beef to refugee camps in Serbia, one week after confirming the country's second case of BSE, or mad cow disease. Agriculture Ministry spokesman Hugo Roldan said a decision on the plans would not be taken for several weeks, and that so far Prague had not received a definitive answer as to whether refugee camp officials would welcome Czech beef. The Czech meat industry suffered a blow in June when the first case of BSE was discovered in a Moravian dairy cow. Last week, a second cow tested positive for the brain-wasting disease, which has been linked to the fatal new-variant Creutzfeldt-Jakobs disease in humans.

Algerian man sentenced to 12.5 years in absentia for killing girlfriend

An Algerian man has been sentenced in absentia to 12 and a half years in prison for the murder of his 24-year-old Czech girlfriend. The man, Nuari Ziruki, was found guilty of killing Ilona Landesfeldova in her Prague flat in January. Police say Ziruki, who was convicted on circumstantial evidence, left the country using a false passport. He is now being sought by Interpol.

Weather forecast

And finally a quick look at the weather. Wednesday will be a mostly clear day, with some cloud and isolated showers in the north-east. Temperatures will rise in the daytime to highs of 22 degrees Celsius, falling at night to lows of seven degrees.