
V4 speakers of parliament sign declaration on liberalisation of EU labour market

The speakers of parliament of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia have urged their governments to push more for the liberalisation of the labour market in the European Union. Citizens of all four countries, known as the Visegrad Four, are subject to labour restrictions in 12 EU member states. The representatives of parliament discussed the issues at a summit in Prague on Friday and Saturday, where they were also joined by European Social Policy and Employment Commissioner Vladimir Spidla.

Counter-intelligence agent found dead

Police are investigating the death of a counter-intelligence service agent, who was a good friend of the recently murdered businessman Frantisek Mrazka. The newspaper Mlada Fronta Dnes reported on Saturday that the body of 40-year old Jaroslav Pospisil was found in a car two days after the businessman's murder. Police say they do not know whether Mr Pospisil was also murdered or whether he committed suicide. He suffered gunshots to his head but an autopsy has yet to determine the actual cause of death. According to Mlada Fronta Dnes, a connection between the two deaths cannot be ruled out.

February 4 - World Cancer Day

This Saturday is designated as World Cancer Day. An estimated ten million people are diagnosed with cancer globally every year. Statistics show that every third Czech is diagnosed with a malignant tumour, of whom every fourth loses the battle against the disease. February 4 was proclaimed World Cancer Day at the first World Summit Against Cancer in Paris six years ago. Since then, cancer organisations worldwide have been using this day as a platform to highlight the plight of people affected by cancer and to put cancer on the agendas of governments, policy makers, the media and communities around the world.

Mucha poster auctioned off for a record price

A poster made by Czech Art Nouveau painter Alfons Mucha was auctioned off for a record 9,150 euros on Friday at a Drouot-Richelieu salesroom in Paris. The 1898 poster, an ad for the cigarette paper Job, is one of a series of posters from the Francois Champenois printing house in Paris. Mucha is also known for other works, including portraits, sculptures, and even jewellery, but he first shot to fame with his posters when he lived in the French capital at the end of the 19th century.

Meteorologists warn of freezing temperatures

Doctors advise the elderly, heart patients, and children to stay indoors whenever possible in the next two days as meteorologists forecast more freezing temperatures. Motorists have also been warned of icy roads and fog leading to all-day low visibility in some parts of the country.

Weather forecast

While Sunday has been forecast with clear skies in most parts of the country, Monday will have cloudy skies with snow in places. Temperatures on Sunday and Monday night they are expected to range from -11 to -15 degrees Celsius (but can reach up to - 20 degrees Celsius in the valley areas). Day temperatures are forecast at -4 to -9 degrees Celsius.