New wave of screening uncovers more stb collaborators

A new round of screening at the Czech Interior Ministry has uncovered 150 collaborators with the former communist secret police, according to the weekly Respekt. The weekly claims that one in twelve employees of the Interior Ministry got a positive screening certificate and a number of them allegedly hold important posts. Interior minister Ivan Langer, who ordered the new round of screening, refused to confirm the outcome or disclose any names. He told the weekly that he had not launched a witch-hunt at the ministry, but had merely taken steps to ascertain the true state of affairs. Although all employees in public service are required to produce a negative screening certificate, some officers in high posts have been known to slip through the net. It came to light in February that the head of the Czech branch of Interpol Pavol Michal, had tricked the screening system by giving the Czech version of his Slovak first name.