New law aims to unify approach towards domestic violence victims

A new law aims to introduce a standard definition of domestic violence, which the lawmakers say Czech legislation does not have at present, leading to inconsistent approaches by courts, the police, and social services. The draft law defines domestic violence as an action which affects a victim's mental or physical integrity, freedom, dignity, or privacy, a violation of the victim's ability to satisfy their own needs, or an abuse of power.

The law was presented at a press conference on Tuesday by the government commissioner for human rights, Klára Šimáčková Laurenčíková, and the head of the Committee for the Prevention of Violence against Women, Branislava Marvánová Vargová.

In the next few days, the proposal will be submitted for comments, after which it will be discussed by the government. According to Šimáčková Laurenčíková, it should become effective in July next year.

Author: Anna Fodor