New Covid restrictions aimed at lowering mobility due to come in force Monday

The Czech government has announced a series of new restrictions aimed at lowering mobility in the country in an effort to curb the upsurge in coronavirus cases in recent days.

As of Monday, people will not be able to travel between different districts (with exceptions for travel to work or to look after a relative in which case they will be asked to produce an affidavit of written statement from their employer). Schools and kindergartens will be closed with the exception of special groups for children of health workers and emergency crews. Only shops selling basic necessities, pharmacies and flower shops will remain open. Other stores which had exceptions, such as stationary goods, children’s’ wear and shops selling sewing supplies will have to close.

Respirators or masks with nano-filters will be compulsory not just in shops and on public transport but at workplaces as well. The government has appealed to the public to limit their contacts with others to an absolute minimum.

The new restrictions will be in force for three weeks.