Němcová expresses strong disapproval of the government

Chairwoman of the Chamber of Deputies, Miroslava Němcová, did not remain for a celebratory toast after the official part of the swearing-in ceremony of the new government, where she was invited as one of the top constitutional officials in the country. In an interview for the news server iDnes.cz later on Wednesday, Mrs. Němcová said she thinks the Jiří Rusnok’s government is dangerous and that she did not want to pretend to wish the new cabinet well. She said she felt it was her duty to attend the ceremony, and wanted to remind the president and the new government that they do not have the support of the lower house of parliament. The former center-right ruling coalition nominated Mrs. Němcová for the post of prime minister instead of Petr Nečas, before President Zeman called on Jiří Rusnok to form a technocrat government.

Author: Masha Volynsky