President Petr Pavel addresses NATO Military Committee in Prague

The world is no longer based on the competition between the West and the East, but increasingly on the competition between democracy and various kinds of autocracy, President Petr Pavel said in his speech at the NATO Military Committee meeting in Prague today on Saturday. The Czech head of state has also urged the chiefs of staff of NATO countries to be bold and open in making their conclusions and recommendations so that they are understood at the political level.

Also addressing the meeting was Chief of the Czech General Staff Karel Řehka, who said the allies must provide Ukraine with all the necessary assistance, whether it concerns training or the supply of weapons and other military equipment.

It is the first time the chiefs of general staff from NATO member countries have met in the Czech Republic, with around 350 foreign delegates attending. On the agenda is the current security situation in Europe, defense plans, and implementing decisions from NATO's July summit in Washington.

Author: Ruth Fraňková