Murder rate in Czechia on the rise

Police statistics published on Friday reveal that the number of murders committed on Czech soil this year increased significantly compared to last year. While 105 murders were recorded in 2021, by September this year that number had already been exceeded. At the end of November, the number stood at 150.

This number is higher even than in 2019, i.e. before the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic, when 143 murders were recorded. Most of the killers knew their victims personally.

The total number of recorded crimes in Czechia has also increased compared to last year. At the end of November, 170,096 crimes had been recorded, an increase of about 30,000 year-on-year.

However, last year and the year before, crime decreased largely due to covid-19 measures. In 2019, the total number of crimes was higher, at more than 185,000 in the period from January to November.

Author: Anna Fodor