Most popular Czech opera Bartered Bride celebrates 150th anniversary

'The Bartered Bride'

Today's Sunday Music Show is dedicated to the most famous Czech opera, The Bartered Bride by Bedřich Smetana. This week marked exactly 150 years since Prodaná nevěsta premiered at Prague's Provisional Theatre on May 30, 1866. The three-act comic opera, set in a country village, tells the story true love that eventually prevails over efforts of ambitious parents and a scheming marriage broker.

'The Bartered Bride'
Today's Sunday Music Show is dedicated to the most famous Czech opera, The Bartered Bride by Bedřich Smetana. This week marked exactly 150 years since Prodaná nevěsta premiered at Prague's Provisional Theatre on May 30, 1866. The three-act comic opera, set in a country village, tells the story true love that eventually prevails over efforts of ambitious parents and a scheming marriage broker.