More people testing positive, but hospitalisations down in Czech Republic

A total of 2,761 people tested positive for Covid-19 in the Czech Republic on Sunday, around 800 more than on the same day last week, according to data released by the Ministry of Health. While the number of detected cases has been growing for seven days in a row now in week-on-week terms, hospitalisations are at their lowest since early November. A total of 2,229 coronavirus patients were in hospital on Sunday, 670 fewer than on the same day the week before. Of these, 420 were in serious condition.

The incidence number rose to an average of 438 cases per 100,000 people on Sunday. Prague remains the region with the highest incidence number - 754.

Around 29,000 tests were carried out on Sunday, 2,000 fewer than on the same day last week.

More than 19,000 people were vaccinated against Covid-19 on Sunday, with the vast majority of these receiving a third, booster dose. Thus far, 6.7 million people have been vaccinated in the Czech Republic of whom 2.8 million have received a third dose.