Minister meets ex-dissident on hunger strike over low pensions

The minister of labour and social affairs, Marian Jurečka, spoke to pre-1989 dissident Jiří Gruntorád outside the Office of the Government, where the latter is holding a hunger strike, on Sunday evening, reported. Mr. Gruntorád is calling for Mr. Jurečka’s resignation over the fact that opponents of the pre-1989 Communist regime are today often on relatively low old-age pensions.

Mr. Gruntorád refused to speak to the minister on Sunday, saying he would only talk to his eventual replacement.

Mr. Jurečka said in spring that his officials would look into the matter. Individuals who stood up to the Communists have low pensions for reasons such as imprisonment, forced emigration or not being allowed to work in their chosen professions; many were only allowed to do menial jobs.

Author: Ian Willoughby