Meteorologists increase flood warnings. 'Extreme flood risk’ now also applies to Prague.

Towns and villages across Czechia have been bracing themselves for potentially disastrous flooding. Since Thursday, it has been raining heavily in most of the country, especially in the east. Precipitation in the coming days may be extreme with up to 400 mm of rainfall in some areas.

The highest, extreme flood level warning is now in place for the entire country with the exception of western Bohemia. Water levels in some rivers have already started rising and may reach the third, highest flood level already on Friday. The situation will be further complicated by strong winds, reaching up to 100 kilometres per hour.

According to meteorologists, the most critical situation is expected to occur over the weekend. Among the hardest-hit areas will be rivers that drain the mountain areas in the north-east of the country, below the Jeseníky and Beskydy mountains, but also the Šumava mountains in the south-west. Prague and most of the Central Bohemian Region must also prepare for what could be a 50-year flooding.

Photo: Michal Kamaryt,  ČTK

Water officials have been draining reservoirs for several days and towns and municipalities in the areas on the highest-level flood alert have started erecting flood barriers, while people are working to secure their property with sandbags as well as possible.

In Prague, flood barriers have been erected along the embankments of the Vltava River, with boat traffic expected to stop on Saturday. The city also closed safety gates at the Čertovka canal in the city centre.

Photo: Václav Pancer,  ČTK

Due to the weather conditions outdoor events around the country are being cancelled or moved indoors. People have been urged to reconsider travel plans and avoid entering parks and forests in view of both flooding and the danger of falling trees due to the soaked terrain.

The government has also called on people not to enter forests and parks due to the risk of falling trees. People in the affected areas were advised to prepare evacuation luggage, have a charged mobile phone, and follow the latest information on their municipalities’ website.