Mayors, schools take down president’s portraits over amnesty

Dozens of local authorities and schools across the country have removed portraits of President Václav Klaus from offices and classrooms in protest against an amnesty Mr Klaus declared earlier this month, the news website reported. The amnesty freed around 7,000 people serving terms for minor offences, and also halted the prosecution of cases which began more than eight years ago, and carried maximum sentences of ten years. The mayor of the eastern community of Želechovice, who initiated the campaign last week, said he was angered by the amnesty, and no longer wanted Mr Klaus’ portrait in his office. Around 100 municipalities and schools have since removed portraits of Václav Klaus whose second and final term as head of state ends in March. The portrait of the president – or monarch in earlier times – is traditionally displayed in Czech classrooms, mayors’ offices and some other public venues.

Author: Jan Richter