
Oskar Schindler
  • Mailbox

Today in Mailbox: we reveal the name of the mystery man from last month's competition and announce the names of the four lucky winners. You will also find out the new question for December. Listeners quoted: J. R. Tinsley, Suresh Agrawal, Henk Poortvliet, Elamir Ghattas, Ian Morisson, George Perez, Roy Kitson.

Welcome to Mailbox. As every first Sunday of the month, it is time to reveal the name of our mystery person from last month's competition question and announce the four lucky winners who will get Radio Prague goodies for their correct answers. In our November quiz we wanted to know the name of the German industrialist, born in what is now the Czech Republic, who was honoured at the Yad Vashem memorial in Israel in 1963 as one of the Righteous among the Nations for his actions during WWII.

And the answer is not Karl Plagge, nor Ludwig Worel nor Liam Neeson - who happens to be the actor who played our mystery man in a famous movie.

J. R. Tinsley listens to us in Louisiana and his answer was correct:

"The Republic of Israel honored Moravian born Oskar Schindler as a Yad Vashem honoree in 1963 for his role in the saving of a group of Jews. Schindler was first honored by Tel Aviv on his 53rd birthday with the Plaque of Heroes. His will said that he wished to be buried in Israel and he was buried in the Latin Cemetery in Jerusalem."

Suresh Agrawal from India writes:

"The correct answer to the November's quiz is Oskar Schindler who spent millions to protect and save his Jews, everything he possessed. He died penniless but he earned the everlasting gratitude of the Schindler-Jews."

Henk Poortvliet from the Netherlands sent us this answer:

Liam Neeson playing Oskar Schindler in the film 'Schindler's List'
"Regarding your new question I think the correct name will be Oskar Schindler, who was born in Moravia. He belonged to the German speaking people living the Czechoslovakia of that time. During the Second World War he had a factory near Cracow and tried to get Jewish people to work in his factory. In that time most of the Jewish people were being transported to concentration camps or deathcamps. Through his intervention many people could work at his factory or in other factories, shops, etc. His life has been portrayed in the film 'Schindler's List'."

Elamir Ghattas who listens to us Florida had this to say:

"He saved as many as 1,200 Jews by having them work in his enamelware and munitions factories located in Poland and what is now the Czech Republic. He was the subject of the film Schindler's List."

Ian Morisson listens to Radio Prague in China:

"The answer to the Radio Prague November listeners' competition is Oskar Schindler. 'Schindler's List' was one of the most moving films I have ever seen."

George Perez from Los Angeles sent us this answer:

"The answer is Oskar Schindler who rescued many German Jews by giving them work in his factory. He was honored by the Vad Vashem. In 1968 he was made a Papal Knight of Saint Sylvester. In November 1974 Oskar Schindler was buried into the Latin Cemetery of Jerusalem. Many Schindler Jews were there."

From the East Coast, from Maine, Danny Sullivan sent us this:

"I believe the answer is Oskar Schindler. Thanks for doing such a great job keeping all of us travelers well informed about a country that we love."

And finally, Roy Kitson from Northern Ireland writes:

"The answer to the question this month is Oskar Schindler - an enigmatic figure who saved the lives of thousands of Jews but who is someone shrouded in mystery as to his motives at the beginning of his 'mission', but which turned into one of the greatest 'rescue operations' for Jews during the Nazi period. There are, I believe, 7 000 or more descendants of those whom Oskar Schindler saved alive today. Human beings who would never have existed if Oskar Schindler had never existed! What greater legacy could anyone wish to leave behind?"

Thank you very much for your answers and the time you took researching. This time the four lucky winners are Suresh Agrawal from India, Elamir Ghattas from Florida, Henk Poortvliet from the Netherlands and Ian Morrison form China. Congratulations, and your prizes are on their way!

If your name is not among the four, why not try it this month?

In our December quiz we'd like you to tell us the name of the British playwright and screenplay writer who was born in 1937 in what is now the Czech Republic. In the 1970s he visited Czechoslovakia, met the then dissident Vaclav Havel and was instrumental in translating Havel's works into English. He was knighted in 1997.

Please, send us your answers by the end of December to or Radio Prague, 12099 Prague, Czech Republic. Next time we'll be quoting from your regular mail. Till then, bye-bye.