

This week in Mailbox: We hear about how Algerians have a tradition that is not unlike some of the Czech Republic's Easter customs. We also have reaction to our report on a planned Hollywood film about Milada Horakova and we also discuss a recent Magic Carpet programme that featured the music of Czech accordionist Raduza. Listeners quoted: Bezazel Feraht ben Rabah, David Eldridge and Alastair Fairweather.

We'd like to start this edition of Mailbox by thanking you all for the Easter greetings you sent us here at Radio Prague. We hope that you also enjoyed the holiday. Writing from Algeria, Bezazel Feraht ben Rabah explained how a tradition is observed there at this time of year, which is similar to the Czech Republic's own Easter customs:

"Here in Algeria we also paint eggs to celebrate a festival to mark the coming of spring. But they are not quite the same as the traditional painted egg, which Czechs call a "kraslice".

Thank you, Bezazel, for that. It's certainly interesting to know that a spring festival is observed in Algeria, which has similarities with Czech Easter traditions. Incidentally, you can all see photos of many beautiful Czech "kraslice" or painted Easter eggs on our website, which were sent to us by listeners for our Easter competition..

Now regular listener David Eldridge in England had this to say about a report Rob Cameron did on a proposed Hollywood film about Milada Horakova, the Czech democratic politician who was executed after a Stalinist-style show trial in the 1950s.

"I am sure we are not likely to see any contribution to historical understanding from a Hollywood take on the Milada Horakova trial. All we are likely to see is the usual dumbing down effect of a Hollywood movie that has little in the way of historical merit ... and a lot of cash going into the pockets of the production team."

Thank you for your comment, David. Let's hope that the Czech-born producer of the film David Mrnka doesn't let the film become too "Hollywoodised".

Many of you wrote to say how much you liked our edition of Magic Carpet, which featured Czech accordionist and singer Raduza, including Alastair Fairweather who was listening to us in Toronto:

"The segment this morning featured the Czech singer Raduza performing three songs live. I loved what I heard, as I'm a big World Music fan, so I did some research on her on the Internet. I visited her website and and noted that she has released two discs, but there was no indication of a live CD. Has she in fact released a live CD from which your broadcast was taken, or was this a live show recorded especially by Radio Prague?"

Actually, Magic Carpet's presenter Petr Doruzka has told me that he was playing a live Raduza album called Vse je jednim meaning something like "All is One" in English. You should be able to find out more details via the website of the record company that released the album. Simply go to

That's all we have time for in Mailbox this week. Before we go, we'd like to give you our question for this month's competition once more:

It sometimes happens that two inventors simultaneously come up with the same idea independently of each other. This was for instance the case with the lightning rod which was invented by Benjamin Franklin and also a Czech scientist at roughly the same time. We'd like to know the name of the Czech inventor.

Answers to the competition as well as all your letters should be sent to Radio Prague, 12099 Prague, the Czech Republic or you can also send us a quick email to [email protected].