

Today in Mailbox: the fifty-heller coin once again, the upcoming renovation of the Czech Radio building on Vinohradska Street, the Prague public transport, and Radio Prague's One on One jingle. Listeners quoted: Bob Boundy, Colin Law, Aloisie Krasny, Robert Main.

Thank you for tuning in to Mailbox, our Sunday letters programme. Today we start off with an e-mail from our regular listener Bob Boundy from New Zealand. He is reacting to other listeners' comments quoted in last week's Mailbox.

"I read with interest about the fifty-heller coin being withdrawn as commented by a New Zealand listener who is in the Czech Republic. Our coins were all very heavy but we have new coins now and they are now very light and were minted in Canada. It is also better for us now not to have the three smaller denominations which were withdrawn - they were a complete nuisance."

On the topic of temporary problems some of you may have experienced using Radio Prague's website in connection with the relocation of the internet server, Mr Boundy writes:

"Regarding Radio Prague's website I have never had any problems with it at all - I must be one of the lucky ones. I'm now using your web page a lot and have got very lazy in using my shortwave radio."

Also from New Zealand, Colin Law responds to the same topic and has a specific query:

"Ahoj Radio Praha, I note with interest in Mailbox that your internet service and server was moved to 'a different building ... due to the upcoming renovation of the historic Czech Radio building on Vinohradska Street.' The internet change was no worry to me, but the 'upcoming renovation' made me wonder if those delightful 'continuous' elevators are to be replaced? It would be a pity if that vestige of the past had to go, but I guess considerations of health and safety will take precedence."

The Czech Radio building on Prague's Vinohradska Street was built between 1929 and 1933 and has housed Czechoslovak and Czech Radio since then. It had long ago become much too small for the national broadcaster so a new studio building was raised in the same block in 2000. A couple of years ago two wings of the old building were renovated preserving its original architectural features and now the time has come to complete the restoration of the listed building. As far as the non-stop elevator, or the paternoster as it is known, is concerned, I am told it is definitely to be preserved.

And another listener from the Southern Hemisphere, Aloisie Krasny from Sydney, is responding to this Tuesday's news item about the Prague public transport authority's plans to raise fare prices.

"I would like to comment on this article as having travelled on Prague transport many times I must say that it is very good. The underground is excellent and the tram system is efficient. The cost is minimal and therefore to improve you need to increase your costs. I feel that 20% is not a big increase as compared to many other western countries. Transport costs in Sydney, Australia are quite expensive and the level of service, i.e. buses running to time is not as efficient to that of the Czech Republic. However, Czech trains running to country area do need to upgrade as do the buses to rural areas. From personal experience the bus service that runs from Prague to Kostelec nad Cernymi Lesy and Konojedy needs to be increased to enable people to get to these areas easily, especially when they don't have a car."

And today's last question is from Robert Main from Canada:

"I hear news from Radio Prague on CBC in Canada early in the morning. There is a jazzy tune that is played at the end of the broadcast and I would like to know what it is called and who the performer is. Please let me know."

I believe what you have in mind is the tune we play at the start and end of our One on One interview programme. We get asked about the tune quite often, so I hope those who have already heard this won't mind me repeating the answer once again. The One on One jingle is a song called "Crowns", the artist is Money Mark and the tune is from his 1999 album "Push the Button." Money Mark is also known for playing the keyboard with the Beastie Boys.

Thank you very much for those questions and comments, and finally, let me repeat our monthly competition question for one last time:

This month we would like you to tell us who the first official world chess champion was.

You have until Friday, August 31st to send us your answers to [email protected] or Radio Prague, 12099, Prague. On Sunday, September 2nd we will reveal August's mystery man of Czech origin and announce the four lucky winners who will be sent small gifts. We look forward to your answers as well as your comments and, of course, reports on the quality of reception in your area. Until next week, bye-bye.